Please this is just Devils advocate, im just trying to see what people think
Imagine you live Pakistan, you have lived there since you was born, your parents left England for a better life.
England has a terrorist cell in it, lets say the IRA, and they are protecting a man who ordered a massive bombing in India killing 1000's,
So the Pakistan army along with other middle eastern armies are inside England trying to get rid of the IRA, but the Pakistan army are killing innocent people, torturing innocent men. stray bombs talking out streets of normal families. (or so you are being told by people in a little church you have all built) Imagine every time you go to this church, you are being told. the army have killed more people in England, what can we do here to stop it?
Maybe these guys have been fed so much bulls*it/or truth that they think its a worthy cause to revenge the attacks of there people.