Wyness out

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Last summer really proved to me that the people we having running the club form a football sense (Moyes), buissness sense (Wyness), and bord level (kewright) were all working in perfect unison, this is the first time in twenty years i can remember this happening and credit is due. Although i beleive their are many varibles that influenced the ability of our manager to go and sepnd colse to twenty million on players (a figure none of us thought possible) i think the "striping of the fat" at the club and many of Wyness's acheivements assisted in making this possible!

Last summer he, bill an Moyes played a blinder in their tranfer strategy and for the first time i felt their was a cohsiveness and commitment to progress the club form Pitch, company to board!

That has to be applauded and the man given due credit if nothing else it has assisted all aspect of the club to run as a well oiled machine and consitencey can not be ignored!

On the ground issue, it was impossible for Wyness to keep all fans happy, but form a bussness perspective whaether your in favour of the move or not, its a great deal. Lets face it thats what the man is paid for.
Sorry mate moving to me is not the problem but the deal is.It just dose not make sense when talking about moving Wyness uses the best scenario when talking about other options he uses the worst so you get a very biased presentation .Wyness whose reputation in Scotland and abroad is questionable to say the least has lied time and again .did not the fact we are liable for any overspend send alarm bells ringing twice I have fell in to that on personal basis and its a killer we will still be paying off this debt long after Wyness has departed the fact that Moyes is doing so well despite the lack of decent help has saved themI dont trust Bill either buy at least he is a Evertonian
tits to just him

55k at reduced prices so more kids can go.

55k requiring food, drink and parking.

55k unobstructed views so all can see the [Poor language removed] game and enjoy the [Poor language removed]. its a spectacle remember.

increased media and sponsorship deals.

goodison is a great old ground, but she is past her best by possibly the longest in british football.

five foot eight toilets, no [Poor language removed] way.

Yeah!!! Like suits said tits just for me!:lol:
Id rather speak about the improved facilites for fans but from a buissness perspective:

From a building perspective it will cost us less in terms of investment then build a stadium outright with our own, look at the proposals of investment we will require and compae them to the cost of the Emirites or the [Poor language removed] bowel!

Secondly increased revenue streams from stadium naming rights, greater capacity, probably id imagine ticket price increases, greater scope for advertising/corprate sponsership and corprate suites will all add to a greater profit for the company.

Not to mention a new stadium would add to the value of the company in an investment sense and as such will improve the clubs ability to secure not only greater loans, but also in its atrictiveness for a takeover or new investor.

from a business perspective wyness has stated that he expects revenue from the new stadium to increase by £10 million, from this figure substantial increased costs will have to be deducted leaving a small profit, if any, to support david moyes' squad development. considering this was the prime reason wyness gave for moving, it doesn't seem a very stong business case to me.

also are we not building the stadium on our own?
how will the new stadium add to the value to the club - will we own it, unlike the land it's built on?
& why is the prospect of a takeover so attractive if the current board are doing such a good job?
Sorry mate moving to me is not the problem but the deal is.It just dose not make sense when talking about moving Wyness uses the best scenario when talking about other options he uses the worst so you get a very biased presentation .Wyness whose reputation in Scotland and abroad is questionable to say the least has lied time and again .did not the fact we are liable for any overspend send alarm bells ringing twice I have fell in to that on personal basis and its a killer we will still be paying off this debt long after Wyness has departed the fact that Moyes is doing so well despite the lack of decent help has saved themI dont trust Bill either buy at least he is a Evertonian

I think an important point is that Wyness is a employee of the company who reports to the board as i am aware his decison making ability in terms of changeing the clubs future is limited.

I.e. any information/decison given by Wyness is in a sense word/decison made by the board. Secondly mate i lived in Aberdeen at the time when he was CEO and for a time chairman of Aberdeen and i can say with most of my friends being staunch Dons they loved him and what he did for the club.

Thirdley he was involved with the redevelopment of Pittodrie and i have been in it its a fine job and i would rank it in the top five statiums in Scotland and they have some corkers up there.

I have no evidence to suggest what the European football family think of Wyness but if you do mate feel free to share?
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Sorry mate moving to me is not the problem but the deal is.It just dose not make sense when talking about moving Wyness uses the best scenario when talking about other options he uses the worst so you get a very biased presentation .Wyness whose reputation in Scotland and abroad is questionable to say the least has lied time and again .did not the fact we are liable for any overspend send alarm bells ringing twice I have fell in to that on personal basis and its a killer we will still be paying off this debt long after Wyness has departed the fact that Moyes is doing so well despite the lack of decent help has saved themI dont trust Bill either buy at least he is a Evertonian

i've had a few beers, cant this wait?

its difficult.

some feel moving is the issue.

others feel the deal is the issue.

others again feel that both are a problem.

wyness cannot ever try to sell a worst case scenario. so that line is redundant. we have to rely on his and others business acumen.

reputation is scotland or aus, fine, theres so many way to cut that i simply dont have enough breath.

overspend - yes, its 99.9% likely, but when the move, vote and numerous AGM's came about, other factors couldnt be understood or predicted.

we cant say what wyness or any other ceo or whatever will stick around. people and players jump ship at any excuse. long term debt? i cant say, im not sure anyone can. what i can say is goodison is holding us back, as traditional and honest as she is, shes way way past it.
sorry neiler, thought it unfair only to ask just you on an issue of OUR club.
i addressed the question to the person who made the relevant comment, but as it's a forum other comments are always welcome. as someone once said : "opinions are like arseholes - everybody's got one & everybody elses stinks!"
common courtesy dictates that its agreeable to not level the question/s at a single individual only.

i felt it necessary to reason my tackling of the points. had i not, an incourteous allegation/s could have been leveled in my direction.

pardon me for manners.

As my thus far failed attempt to get any response from the marketing manager at the club emphasises we are lagging behind other clubs commercially. What many of the out'ters fail to do however is offer an alternative or constructive advice.

We're in a position now where we are better off than most clubs but lagging behind the best.

Pretty much sums it up,

I'm sure we'd all like to see us go on a mad spending spree but it wont happen while BK's there,now i'm no fan of the man but i'd sooner see us cut our cloth accordingly and not get into any more debt than we have than shoot for the stars and do a leeds.

I've often said BK is well meaning man,but he's a bit of a tit and thats not changed but i dont see anyone beating a path to our door wanting to buy him out,so we're stuck with him,now as long as a resonable ammount of cash is made avaible for DM then we should be happy,of course the trick now is to keep DM happy something hopefully BK can do becuase for the first time in many years we're making slow progress and all of it in the right direction,i didnt think DM could do it but thankfully he's proved me and others wrong and nones happier about that than me.
i for one wouldn't want to see the club go on a spending spree, even if we had a sudden cash windfall. the steady progress moyes has made is most impressive & hopefully the board can provide sufficient funds for him to continue the good work. i think those who are dissatisfied with wyness as a ceo would obviously like to see him replaced with somebody more effective in the role, of course it's all a matter of opinion & kenwright's is the one that counts. i'm sure that if kenwright announced his intention to sell the club or even to dilute his holding, thereby relinquishing control, there would be plenty of interested parties. but that doesn't guarantee that whoever succeeds kenwright will be an improvement. one only has to look across the park to see there are risks to a takeover of the club.

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