Transfer Rumour Yankuba Minteh

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the people who backed/had us/ owned us have caused the mess we are trying to get out off

Even if we were "well run" we would be unable to spend money. Look at Aston Villa, finished 4th, bringing in lucrative Champions League revenue yet need to sign Lewis Dobbin to appease the "rules".

Newcastle have the richest owners in the world and are also caught up in these shenanigans.

The only reason Brighton can sign Minteh, is because they've sold their best players to Liverpool & Chelsea. We could have done the same but we would have first needed to let Sir Jim get his hands on Branthwaite.

Wake up Matthew. You're being had off my friend.
Some work by Newcastle like. Bought him for about £6m a year ago, never played him, sent him on loan, sold for a fraction under £35m.

It's like the anti-Everton way of doing business.
Yeah but on the flip side, they don't have an owner who would appoint people to jobs based on whether or not they know the local area, so I guess it balances out......
Even if we were "well run" we would be unable to spend money. Look at Aston Villa, finished 4th, bringing in lucrative Champions League revenue yet need to sign Lewis Dobbin to appease the "rules".

Newcastle have the richest owners in the world and are also caught up in these shenanigans.

The only reason Brighton can sign Minteh, is because they've sold their best players to Liverpool & Chelsea. We could have done the same but we would have first needed to let Sir Jim get his hands on Branthwaite.

Wake up Matthew. You're being had off my friend.

so nobody is well run then is this what your saying?

and we HAVE been well run like a circus

so nobody is well run then is this what your saying?

and we HAVE been well run like a circus

Do you think Aston Villa & Newcastle are well run ? Because they cant spend money without selling and faced points deductions if they didnt sell by 30th June.

PSR isnt about being "well run" its about flipping your best players to the big 6. If you can't see that by now, then unfortunately you're blind.

Signing Minteh meant selling Branthwaite, Onana or DCL. It's farcical.
why have you @ForeverBlue92 middle fingered this? he’s right
Not sure but this might help explain.


Players have a right to do what they consider best for them. It is their job. Their livelihood. The idea they owe clubs something when clubs will sell them at the drop of a hat if it suits them is us fans thinking with our hearts not our heads.

As for blaming Friedkin, that is stupid. He is not the owner and he is not involved in any of these decisions. Even if he was he cannot magic PSR constraints away in a couple of days.

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