2022/23 Dele Alli

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Spurs position in this is very interesting.

As an employee they owed him a duty of care and one wonders what treatment regime they put in place for him.

With regard to the transfer , if they had medical knowledge relating to the player which they withheld it could lead to the transfer being null and void.

Everton can't play him with the £10m clause hanging over him.

Surely the way forward is for Everton to negotiate a revision of the £10m clause .
I know there is zero chance in this happening, due to the hard nosed business of it all, but how good would it be if Everton and Spurs came to an arrangement whereby Dele was put first, get him the opportunity to play where he wants - forgo any financial interest, instead any payments donated to a related charity (like mind). Would give both clubs a great pr win.

Like I said, zero chance it happens - but sometimes it's nice to dream.
Found that really moving that. Had my two year old running round and you just think of the impact something like that would have on any person, nevermind a child. Awful. Six years old, and he's carried all this crap around with him for 20 years. Like Gary said he's had 3 or 4 years of some form of normality then into the footballing circus. On a human level, he's done an incredibly brave thing with that interview, whether he comes right for us is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but christ I Hope he does. Would be such a good comeback story.
I know there is zero chance in this happening, due to the hard nosed business of it all, but how good would it be if Everton and Spurs came to an arrangement whereby Dele was put first, get him the opportunity to play where he wants - forgo any financial interest, instead any payments donated to a related charity (like mind). Would give both clubs a great pr win.

Like I said, zero chance it happens - but sometimes it's nice to dream.
If it was another club then maybe, but Daniel Levy won't. He's a parasite

That was difficult to watch.
Of course it must have been far harder for him to publically talk about such personal issues.
I had always understood that he had a 'difficult' upbringing . . . but Jesus H Christ that interview brought tears to my eyes
The fact that he even survived such a terrible childhood is testament to his strength and determination.
Fantastic to see that he has started therapy and that he is now at a stage where he can talk openly about his problems. This is just the beginning of his recovery though and I really hope that things work out well for him in the future.

Well said 👍
Everyone else is just hoping the player gets the help he needs and applauding him for his bravery and then we have little lord arsehole over here worrying about the clubs finances.
Always been the same this one. Turns every story into a negative on the club.

I'm sure he must be one of the chief writers for Goodison News.
I've watched the interview in full.
Pretty incredible to think that a young boy with that upbringing & the trauma of it living with him day in, day out can still end up being one of the worlds brightest footballing prospects. His adoptive parents really did a great job there.

As for the future of the man, i really hope this is a turning point for the better for him. I hope he continues his mental recovery & finds more of the right sort of coping methods down the line for if/when those bad days come back.

As for the future of the footballer, if he can get back to anything close to resembling a top level premier league player then it could literally be the thing that helps keep us up again. This 7 games left talk doesn't add up as Dele was saying he looks forward to a big season ahead after his injury is sorted. Would be nice to know the real deal on that but i doubt we will until the 8th game if it comes.

That was a brave thing he did today. Clearly wasn't ready but was forced into it by scummy media.

That was a tough watch. I take back any comments I’ve made about him before. The lad needs help and I hope we can give him it. Some things are bigger than footie.
Absolutely love to see people having the balls to speak about the fragility of mental health in public – especially those whose private lives are targets for scumbag tabloid journalists. You can imagine how different the reporting of this would be if it were left to The S** to break the news.

It would be incredible to see Dele get back to enjoying football again – it's on us as a fanbase now to support him and his recovery, and not be some internet bell like Butters.

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