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  1. M

    New Everton Stadium

    I’m sure the great minds of the council have a good reason, but why aren’t we using the dock road and princess parade to run shuttle buses or taxis?
  2. M

    Sandhills station

    For match traffic coming from the city, what’s the genuine possibility of using Princess parade just for match traffic instead of sending the shuttle busses up towards Costco? Or was that a nightmare yesterday as well?
  3. M

    Sandhills station

    Problem with the boats is when it’s 30 mile an hour winds, the Mersey’s a mini tsunami and the small boats are re-creating the Titanic.
  4. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Did anyone try the shuttle bus from Bootle strand for the first test even? Or any of the shuttle buses? Are they decent/easy with little waiting time?
  5. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Love that line about money from gov should be going to Liverpool before anywhere else as it’s ready for it. Radcliffe trying to build something using tax payer money for the benefit if Utd is beyond an insult.
  6. M

    New Everton Stadium

    I don’t know to your question, but I just reckon it’ll be horrible sitting on a couch when it’s freezing cold. At least in a regular seat you’re bunched up with other fans so body heat helps a bit. Just two of you on a couch sounds grim.
  7. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Shame if true. I’ve not looked at the whole front properly so was assuming once the wasteland is built on something could be put in through the other docks. Could easily be another 10 years before then.
  8. M

    New Everton Stadium

    As others have said you can walk about half way between the IOM terminal and the ground, but there’s a big piece of wasteland that is going to be redeveloped into flats and a park area. Current projection for that to be complete is towards end of 2027, which personally seems like a short period...
  9. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Cheers all. Will give it till tomorrow afternoon and get in touch with them if still nothing.
  10. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Anyone who chose to go with premium credit for ST payment, when did you receive your docs to sign? Got our tickets yesterday and still had nothing through other than Everton’s confirmation. Other seasons it’s usually come through the same day as purchase.
  11. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Cheers. Guessing they’re giving STHs who haven’t had a chance to visit yet which is fair.
  12. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Is there a certain criteria? I’m a STH and it’s saying it’s not yet available to me. Potentially because I attended the first test event?
  13. M

    New Everton Stadium

    That makes sense. Guy next to me nearly lost his seat because he missed the email to confirm his finance.
  14. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Yeah seems mad if they are. Seats just keep popping up and disappearing
  15. M

    New Everton Stadium

    Have 19 years tenure but waiting till next Wednesday when my partners able to get one. Mad how seats keep appearing that where shown as sold. Guessing some are sitting there adding seats to their baskets over and over again until they can buy them