I'm not sure about the protest - given something it will likely represent, intended or not.
There is something rotten with the PL that once made English football great.
And it is caricatured by box office Keane's rants on SKY - 'this is Manchester United'.
- an expectation that United must be considered more important than others bc of who they are; not being at the top should not be accepted.
Everton should never fall for this. No one should have a right in English football to be at the top.
I've never understood, beyond the banter, why Evertonians feel it necessary to degrade 'lesser' clubs.
English football stood apart from the other major leagues in the potential it gave to each and every club to succeed.
The champions were truly champions - that is until the PL came along.
If anyone is to doubt this then looks sideways at the trajectory the FA cup has taken since then. A once great institution and idea which has been reduced to an after thought bc it is countervailing to an elitist mindset.
The state of English football mirrors closely the growing class of elite that is establishing itself across the world.
If your lucky you might just find your social standing resembles Everton, better off than most of the rest.
But to fall into the trap of getting pulled into the mindset of thinking you are also better than the rest...well its just not what Everton should stand for
- as a founder and as genuinely great club and community.
I've recently read Thomas Piketty's great book on Capital and the difference between inherited wealth and earned wealth seems relevant here.
Effectively the PL took the greatness of English football and has kept it for the few. Man United and Liverpool have inherited a status it doesn't deserve.
When Man U made it back to the top, it felt in good, in a fair play sort of way. Its part of what makes clubs great - to get back to the top again. The PL has taken the greatness out of it.
Are we seriously now wanting to sing to the tune of the PL mindset?
If and when we become champions again, let it be said that it was achieved without falling for such; to stand atop and say no, we didn't inherit this, we are not joining your club of elites. We are not you. Now that would be great.
[side note: Keane's great, he's real, he continues to fight for what his club is about - he's also the perfect puppet for the puppeteers)