I'll say it again: simplify the message.
This group can make their message wide ranging but also ineffective by taking aim at too many targets.
The target that looms large is lack of transfer activity and the sale of players. That message hammered hard right now wins a lot of support to the 27 lot's side.
But if you start agitating around the owner and the board and demanding their dismissal it all looks a bit like a front page of the Socialist Worker, demanding a general strike every couple of weeks or so. It's well wide of the mark as a demand when most Everton fans are happy to be ensconced still in the PL with a clean slate for the new season AND the vast majority are still mesmersised by what's happening at the docks and are prepared to give the owner and the board a free pass on that basis.
To win a war you have to win key battles along the way, you dont just declare you want the enemy to surrender, that's not realistic.
It's all very naive this messaging. I've thought so from the start.
The board need to go. To ask for anything else is rearranging the deck chairs.