I think personally think they should raise the age of consent to at least 18.I think that is an over simplification.
I'm pretty sure they were getting at, how do you determine the differences.
Any normal person can see that a 16 year old and a 26 year old is wrong.
However what is the cut off, and honestly how do you enforce it?
There are always going to be wrong uns in society. They want stringing up by there nuts and violated in unnatural ways, but you can't just make up random numbers.
Looking back to myself at that age now, there’s no way me or my sexual partners were mature enough to be making any kind of sensible decisions.
I know quite a number of my old female schoolmates ended up in relationships straight out of school at 16 with some absolute shithead 19/20/21 year olds and most of them got left to raise children on their own.