Very well summed up...
Very well summed up...
Lookman's instagram post
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my team mates at Everton Football Club for all the love and unwavering support you’ve shown me over the past two and a half years. I’ve made some great friends at Everton who have made my experience at the club truly an unforgettable one. Whilst I’m excited to move forward with the new opportunities ahead of me, I’m going to miss my team mates and everyone associated with the club. Last but not least I would like to thank the fans for their support during my time at Everton, I am truly honoured to have had the opportunity to play for you. All the best for the future, Love AL31
Lookman's instagram post
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my team mates at Everton Football Club for all the love and unwavering support you’ve shown me over the past two and a half years. I’ve made some great friends at Everton who have made my experience at the club truly an unforgettable one. Whilst I’m excited to move forward with the new opportunities ahead of me, I’m going to miss my team mates and everyone associated with the club. Last but not least I would like to thank the fans for their support during my time at Everton, I am truly honoured to have had the opportunity to play for you. All the best for the future, Love AL31
lol lol Nearly spat my pint over my laptop at this.Calling himself AL31? Proper blert.
Yours truly,
lol lol Nearly spat my pint over my laptop at this.
Have you never had a pint in the comfort of your own home ?You take your laptop the pub?
Have you never had a pint in the comfort of your own home ?
Lookman's instagram post
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my team mates at Everton Football Club for all the love and unwavering support you’ve shown me over the past two and a half years. I’ve made some great friends at Everton who have made my experience at the club truly an unforgettable one. Whilst I’m excited to move forward with the new opportunities ahead of me, I’m going to miss my team mates and everyone associated with the club. Last but not least I would like to thank the fans for their support during my time at Everton, I am truly honoured to have had the opportunity to play for you. All the best for the future, Love AL31
Not in my eyes he ain'tYour welcome back anytime Molie.