It doesn't really work like that though does it. We've had well over 50 years of free, compulsory education for each and every child in the country, and still people abuse it and don't make the most of this wonderful opportunity.
You say people are grateful for the system that supports them, I'd suggest that many think that it's their right to be supported. This nanny statism is a major problem in my opinion because people seldom do things if others are there to do it for them. So where families were once expected to provide for their own, and indeed neighbourhoods for their own, now the state is the shoulder to cry on.
Now don't get me wrong, I believe in philanthropy and helping others, but we have a society now where the safety net is so big it's smothering. As I've said before, charity should be a voluntary thing, not obligatory. Making mistakes is all a part of life and there should be punishments for making them, it's all a part of learning. At the moment the cushion is so big people can almost make mistakes with impunity.
I'm adopted and you wouldn't believe the hoops my parents had to jump through to prove themselves worthy. Yet time after time people can knock out children with no thought of how to raise the child and the state steps in to provide housing, money, goodness knows what else. Now if people want to help single parents, or the jobless (remember the 13 years of free education every kid has?) then fair enough, you should be able to spend your money the way you want, but no one should be obligated to help another. That's a basic freedom, the right to live your life how you like so long as you don't hurt anyone else.
It's about taking responsibility for your own actions and your own life. Go to places in the third world and they'd give their right arm for 13 years of free education, yet so many of our kids absolutely waste it. Why should anyone be obliged to help someone who has wasted such an opportunity in life? We've had a welfare state now for over 50 years and yet we still have millions of poor and uneducated people. Surely if it was working at all the numbers would be getting less and less, but they grow ever greater each year. We're not helping the poor, we're making them dependant.