I'd rather vote Ron Paul. Republicans are far too religious for my liking. Politics should be secular.
Ooof Bruce.
You've struck me as a pretty intelligent individual so I chalk up your Ron Paul comment as a windup.
We're talking about a guy whose a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. He'd make a much, much better Democrat than Republican. As it stands, he's nowhere near Presidential material at all as he doesn't have a serious view about anything in this country. In short, he's a crackpot (kinda like Al Gore).
As for Republicans being religious, let's look at it this way.
In country X, if political party A supports positions that are considered "anti-religous," it would stand to reason that political party B would garner support from people who consider themselves religious.
In this country, the Democrats have deliberately put themselves on the side of ideas and platforms that are considered "anti-religious" (i.e. Pro-Choice, Homosexual Marriage, etc...) so it would stand to reason that if anyone would be against those types of ideas would gravitate towards a party who's members don't support those ideas.
I find it curious (and unfortutnately quite common) that many subscribe to that same line of thought, that Republicans are too religious or cater to the religious right. However, what I find equally interesting is that the same line of thought isn't applied to the Democrats regarding their anti-religious views and pandering.
The biggest concern, and hence the mass support for the Republicans by "religious" people is that the left wing in this country has seen their ideas consistently fail in the court of public opinion. This isn't a newsflash to anyone as we've seen it over and over.
So, if your ideas fail in the court of public opinion (i.e. letting your citizens vote on a particular idea or subject), what's your next option as a liberal in the USA? That's right, take it to the courts. Yes, let's let the courts decide what's best for the people since the people obviously don't know what's best for themselves.
Well in order to make that work, you've got to stock the courts full of people who think like you and agree with your ideas. Hence, the libs need to get a Democrat elected so that when Supreme Court openings come about, they can get a left winger in who looks at our Consititution as a "living document" (that's code speak for we can make it say whatever we need it to say and not what the founding fathers intended). That way, they can overrule the people by getting the courts to legislate from the bench.
As a Republican and someone who's religious, I find that very distasteful. That a small group of people could determine "what's best" for everyone and bypass the voting mechanism altogether. It's been done once with Roe vs. Wade and let's hope it never happens again. Anyone who's part of a democracy sees the big problems here, regardless of which side of the aisle you're on or what your personal beliefs are.
Sorry for the longer than intended post but in short, religion will never find it's way out of politics and for me, that's a good thing.