I liked AJ, i dnt think he got the rub of the green with regards to pens and freekicks, i dnt believe he was a diver and i honestly think all the trouble with Jose and others affected his game.
I will honestly be sad to see him go and im sure he will get a wonderful recieption whenever he returns to GP. BUT "He has netted 22 goals from 74 appearances in his two years at Goodison Park." Clearly doesnt tell the whole story i know and his goals versus the [Poor language removed] in the 3-0 will always be special.
If we get 12m its a good move all round, im sure if Fulham are spendin that much they will give him a good contract, im just sad that hes joining such a crap team, sad for him ofc, not us with our lovely 4m profit!!!!!!!!
Anyway, thats 7 players we have lost now from last season Jimmy, Cars, AJ, Manu, Wessels, Grav, Gardner. Now whilst most of them were squad players, its still a BIG lose in terms of numbers.
PLEASE PLEASE GOD/ALLAH ANY1, can Davey sign his contract and can we pls pls pls pls sign somebody, i dnt care if its Robbie Savage, Steven Carr, Tore Andre Flo, Jimmy Floyd or even Big Dunc and his dodgy back, ANYONE WILL DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!