I thought we started off well, we appeared to stifle them and we're looking to break.
20mins and keeping a clean sheet usually is a good marker against any team away from home.
The killer is after all the good work...bang 2 poorly defended goals, which certain parties have to take the blame.
We then get a goal back and hopes are raised again.
In the second half we looked a more positive outfit and pushed Arsenal all the way, this was proven by the two defensive substitutions they made.
In the end Arsenal deserved the win
A few points
People use Arsenals mid week game as being a negative that we should jump on the back off, I think the opposite a win against BM is going to have you brimming with confidence
Galloway appears to be this weeks scapegoat, the KID had another good defensive game, attacking isn't his best attribute but he is a CM so it shouldn't be expected
People talk about going for it from the start, if there is one team you try to stifle and annoy it has to be Arsenal. If you go for it from the start most times they will pull you to pieces, and game over quickly.
If people think we should be getting points from Arsenal away, I think you need to look at the history books.
No qualms over the way we played, if you take the 90seconds of madness out of it
I agree time for TH to be dropped.....