Dont consider myself a rascist, Ive lived and worked with Muslims, Hindu's during 12 years in the air force - all serving OUR country, consider friendships with all of em as sound - The military is a a self-supporting an self-relient COMMUNITY of all faiths an beliefs serving OUR country. Taught me shed loads about other faiths and beliefs, and cured the IGNORANCE factor tha is the general cause of rascism. We laughed, drank (apart from Muslims obviously) Chased women, fought our way out of various nightclubs, took kickings together at taxi-ranks, you name it we were together....Met their families and socialised on every level - when I looked at them I didnt see colour they were just mates.
However....neither they or their families would have gone down the road of burkhas ...why...because they integrated ...even though they were born in this country, they considered themselves British and wearing Burkhas or living their lives according o srtict medieval religious laws , was a complete non-starter. s it didn't fit with the society they were brought up in, and wanted to succeed in.
People who wear the Burkha do not accept this society nor do they embrace the culture of this land (Mult-culture with a very tolerant society) they are making a stand against our society and therefore have no place in it