Venice: absolutely rammed full of tourists, but it's incredible.
Florence: stunning food, architecture and history - lovely people too.
Venice - by day was nuts, really beautiful. Words don't do it justice. Spent our time just riding the vaporettos around and hopping off at whatever stop we fancied. Night - seemed the bulk of the tourists were gone off on their cruise ships or whatever. Second night hung out in the piaza behind our hotel and, with a gaggle of locals and tourists from all over, watched some band play. Was great.
Really enjoyed Venice, Florence, and Rome... as well as the little of Bologna we saw during a three hour side trip. Rome was my favorite by a small margin. Probably because beyond the ancient history sites I love, the people there - I connected best with them
Been to Europe twice... Paris/Venice/Florence/Rome and Munich(Salzburg)/Paris/Amsterdam. Next time - whenever that is - I want to plan a couple days where we just get off a train in some town between major cities and spend more time seeing of the "real" country. The problem is travel is so expensive, and there is just too much to see.