Bill Kenwright

Duncan was sold by PETER JOHNSON, please tell you me you know that right? You have just proved yourself what was going on BEFORE Kenwright took over
Accept my apologies, I was only 13 at the time of all this… my memory fails me. However, I knew Ferguson was involved i some form and he spent money we never had.


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Yeah but that was good ownership, especially when you compare it to how Moshiri has run it, wew didnt spend money we didnt have or couldnt afford to, gradual progession, very sensible approach

Hard to say he has been a terrible owner when you look at the mess his successor and predecessor made, Moshiri is by far the worse, what he has done to a stable club cant be excused, nor can his absense, even PJ showed his face

Providing no investment and borrowing off your own assets is not good ownership, and is essentially what we have right now, which is why we are in a near identical scenario to when Kenwright had to sack Smith because he was taking us down.
No we didn't mate. We didn't win a button during that time. We just existed. We achieved nothing. Hell, we hardly ever won a derby or even a game of true significance. Better then now? Sure, ok. But it was still failure. You've been conned. Just existing in a seemingly endless state of mediocrity and occasional pushing to be among the best of the rest is not "fine" or anything close to it.
I see, so before Kenwright We just existed got it, that shows what he had to come in sort, which he did..... also (and this is a killer) we hardly ever won a derby ....WHAT? Smith won at Anfield, a VERY rare achievment

Providing no investment and borrowing off your own assets is not good ownership, and is essentially what we have right now, which is why we are in a near identical scenario to when Kenwright had to sack Smith because he was taking us down.
No its not, what we have right now is FFP problems, something we never once had under Bill

Yeah haha just goes to show how desperate people are to pin things on Bill

The NTL deal was under Bill's ownership.

Every decision taken by Everton while he was owner was pretty much decided on short-termism.

Kitbag longterm deal from the outsourcing of every department. The sale of Bellefield land to then lease Finch Farm ( Which we are still paying for like a PFI )

Mortgage on Goodison, dodgy loans for TV money to offshore business's linked to Green and Earl.

Fortress Fund and the conman Christopher Samuelson brought in to win his personal fued with the Gregg Family.

Nearly selling to a fella in a bedsit.

Trevor Birch episode.

Goodison about to lose its safety certificates.

Destination Kirkby disaster.

Kings Dock fiasco.

He was basically a salesman who sold the Everton dream like a stage show but wanted to make sure he could have the main role in the performance.
Duncan was sold by PETER JOHNSON, please tell you me you know that right? You have just proved yourself what was going on BEFORE Kenwright took over
He's getting mixed up because Kenwright, a board member at the time, was quoted defending the decision .

Even with the FA Cup win, I'm extremely reluctant to paint Johnson in any sort of positive light, but it's undeniable that the spiralling debt and nonstop asset stripping were the work of Kenwright, not him.

Of course, you know all this, but I post these things for the benefit of those who aren't sad enough to have wasted years following Kenwright like Hunter S. Thompson trailing Nixon and McGovern in '72.
To be fair to Johnson,
He spent plenty the previous few summers. A lot more than Bill ever did
he also rebuilt the park end and won a pot.
More than bill did as owner.
And he got (rightly) hounded out.
When I start to think about how little Kenwright has done for Everton in such a long space of time, it hurts my brain.
From board member to Owner/chair to chairman, for most of my life.
How has he still got supporters???
This is a flag that will be on show Saturday, Southall, Stubbs and Campbell all banished from the club for criticising the biggest evertonian

Kevin Campbell banned ?

The player, who not only saved us from relegation, our first black captain and who changed the “ Everton are a racist club “ :eek:

So, only players, who massage Bills ego are welcome now ???
