Bill Kenwright

The NTL deal was under Bill's ownership.

Every decision taken by Everton while he was owner was pretty much decided on short-termism.

Kitbag longterm deal from the outsourcing of every department. The sale of Bellefield land to then lease Finch Farm ( Which we are still paying for like a PFI )

Mortgage on Goodison, dodgy loans for TV money to offshore business's linked to Green and Earl.

Fortress Fund and the conman Christopher Samuelson brought in to win his personal fued with the Gregg Family.

Nearly selling to a fella in a bedsit.

Trevor Birch episode.

Goodison about to lose its safety certificates.

Destination Kirkby disaster.

Kings Dock fiasco.

He was basically a salesman who sold the Everton dream like a stage show but wanted to make sure he could have the main role in the performance.
Likewise everything that has happened over the last 6 years is only on Moshiri, fact is we are much worse now under him then all those years under Bill when all of above happened
I see, so before Kenwright We just existed got it, that shows what he had to come in sort, which he did..... also (and this is a killer) we hardly ever won a derby ....WHAT? Smith won at Anfield, a VERY rare achievment
Before Kenwright we won stuff. We competed at the highest level. We had our downs to. Loads of them. The difference back then was we knew when it was bad and called it out when it was. We didn't just accept the garbage we got and call it ok or good and we certainly didn't accept and embrace a self-indulgent moron for a chairman patting himself on the back and describing it as "good times" all because his delusion and vanity wouldn't let him deal with the truth, our failure and his part in it.

If he is I'll again all protests must be cancelled, otherwise it will give a very bad impression of the fan base and could put of any potential buyers and investors
I have to disagree with this, it is a good time to force the issue that someone who is obviously in poor health should not be running a billion pound company. He needs to be relieved of duties and somebody else needs to replace him so that he can focus on this
I have to disagree with this, it is a good time to force the issue that someone who is obviously in poor health should not be running a billion pound company. He needs to be relieved of duties and somebody else needs to replace him so that he can focus on this
I agree he needs to step aside, but that shows the real problem is Moshiri, for not replacing him, terrible owner, all focus has to be on encouraging him to sell
