Bill Kenwright

Yeah but it was better then it has been before, on and off the pitch

Highly debatable, but I would say that it has been this perception that has allowed him to get away with so much, the idea that Bill somehow improved things or “saved us from Johnson lad” if you are of a melodramatic persuasion. There was no increase in investment under Bill, Everton just lived off their own revenue, which led to Kenwright factoring cheques from NTL that didn’t exist, and mortgaging and selling our stadium and training ground before his crazed efforts to move the club to Knowsley. Kenwright has been a terrible owner of Everton, and it beggars belief that he’s still stinking the place out in 2023.
Moshiri owns the club can appoint the board. The board oversee the running of the club.
usually in privately owned businesses the board are only too aware of shareholders wishes and run the company accordingly
Agree, Moshiri runs the club, the board is his, as is the direction we are going, we need him to sell as all he will do is replace the board with his people and keep the same direction
Moshiri owns the club can appoint the board. The board oversee the running of the club.
usually in privately owned businesses the board are only too aware of shareholders wishes and run the company accordingly
When I've come into contact with the so called top boys they generally have a real desire for details, almost to a point where it can become problematic. You get the odd bluffer like johnson, trump or musk who still get to the top through certain family advantages coupled with being a sociopath but they tend to be the outlier.

I haven't a clue if either are true with Mosh, but it does worry me. Everything Everton worries me right now though
Highly debatable, but I would say that it has been this perception that has allowed him to get away with so much, the idea that Bill somehow improved things or “saved us from Johnson lad” if you are of a melodramatic persuasion. There was no increase in investment under Bill, Everton just lived off their own revenue, which led to
Yeah but that was good ownership, especially when you compare it to how Moshiri has run it, wew didnt spend money we didnt have or couldnt afford to, gradual progession, very sensible approach

Kenwright factoring cheques from NTL that didn’t exist, and mortgaging and selling our stadium and training ground before his crazed efforts to move the club to Knowsley. Kenwright has been a terrible owner of Everton, and it beggars belief that he’s still stinking the place out in 2023.

Hard to say he has been a terrible owner when you look at the mess his successor and predecessor made, Moshiri is by far the worse, what he has done to a stable club cant be excused, nor can his absense, even PJ showed his face

Yeah but that was good ownership, especially when you compare it to how Moshiri has run it, wew didnt spend money we didnt have or couldnt afford to, gradual progession, very sensible approach

Hard to say he has been a terrible owner when you look at the mess his successor and predecessor made, Moshiri is by far the worse, what he has done to a stable club cant be excused, nor can his absense, even PJ showed his face
Didn’t Ferguson get sold to Newcastle because he’d already spent the NTL money that never materialised?

On the pitch we did fine,
No we didn't mate. We didn't win a button during that time. We just existed. We achieved nothing. Hell, we hardly ever won a derby or even a game of true significance. Better then now? Sure, ok. But it was still failure. You've been conned mate. Just existing in a seemingly endless state of mediocrity and occasional pushing to be among the best of the rest is not "fine" or anything close to it. If anything pretending that it was fine is one of the biggest reasons that we are where we are now. We forgot who we are. We forgot how to win and we forgot that this club had standards once upon a time.
