Bill Kenwright

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Compared to now, yes, but an a golden opportunity has been lost unfortunately. That should have been the base level, if he had sold in 2008, and walked away.
Yeah it has been lost, an oppotunity that we wont get again soon, but its been lost because of the way Moshiri ran things, he should of been on top of this, he put the money in but with no clear plan on what to do with it and no understanding on how a football club works.
He should of done it slowly, learnt, but no, he went in all guns blazing and threw money around like Montgomery Brewster.

Compared to now, yes, yes they were, on Saturday there won't be an Evertonian in Goodison who wouldn't want to club to get back to how stable the club was then, top flight football

Pre-Moyes the club was in just as bad a state as it is now, with Bill spending NTL money that never arrived leading to the mortgaging of Goodison for the next 20 years.
Pre-Moyes the club was in just as bad a state as it is now, with Bill spending NTL money that never arrived leading to the mortgaging of Goodison for the next 20 years.
Pre Moyes, when PJ owned the club I agree, Smith era was about staying up and starting the slow process of stability, Walter was ok, he had a very hard job but did fine.
Pre Moyes, when PJ owned the club I agree, Smith era was about staying up and starting the slow process of stability, Walter was ok, he had a very hard job but did fine.

Johnson sold up in 1999, and the club was a basket case until Moyes came and saved us from impending relegation under Bill Kenwright. The club continued to be a basket case off the field for years on end with FSF nonsense, non-existent NTL cheques, and the Wiganisation of Everton that would have been completed had Kenwright been successful with his dream move to Knowsley. A public enquiry was required to stop Kenwright moving Everton Football Club to a slightly bigger JJB stadium in Knowsley!
Johnson sold up in 1999, and the club was a basket case until Moyes came and saved us from impending relegation under Bill Kenwright. The club continued to be a basket case off the field for years on end with FSF nonsense, non-existent NTL cheques, and the Wiganisation of Everton that would have been completed had Kenwright been successful with his dream move to Knowsley. A public enquiry was required to stop Kenwright moving Everton Football Club to a slightly bigger JJB stadium in Knowsley!

I f BK had not screwed up we could have been in Kings Dock now.
Johnson sold up in 1999, and the club was a basket case until Moyes came and saved us from impending relegation under Bill Kenwright. The club continued to be a basket case off the field for years on end with FSF nonsense, non-existent NTL cheques, and the Wiganisation of Everton that would have been completed had Kenwright been successful with his dream move to Knowsley. A public enquiry was required to stop Kenwright moving Everton to a bigger JJB stadium in Knowsley!
On the pitch we did fine, pre Kenwright basket case on and off the pitch, dont turn a blind eye to things like PJ refusing too buy Flo for Joe Royle, the following season was HK3 and a lucky escape, selling Dunc to Newcastle the following season, those times were very grim on and off the pitch.

I f BK had not screwed up we could have been in Kings Dock now.
So? you talk like that would of made everything great, which is delusional, Sunderland, Boro, Derby, Southampton, Wigan, Bolton....etc all moved only to go backwards, Arsenal too, Kings Dock was never going to happen anyway, it would of seen too many objections, even one of Bills biggest doubters was saying the same on here the other day, its not really a stick to beat him with, after that failed we had several season in Europe so we moved forward anyway
Correct - is the there is there to have camera pointed at him. Look like a figure head and prob to shield some hatrid.
No doubt that moshiri dials in the big decisions and hides away from the day the day boredom
That's a big concern for me though, you can't have effective leaders who are easily bored by details. Or possibly in Moshiris case just no longer interested in Everton related details
Pre-Moyes the club was in just as bad a state as it is now, with Bill spending NTL money that never arrived leading to the mortgaging of Goodison for the next 20 years.
I had completely forgotten about the mortgage on Goodison.
I remember the fanfare when the club announced they were building new offices nbehimd the Park End, only to get shut down by the lenders because the brains trust running Everton hadn't realised the charge against GP needed their approval.

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