Love how you drop that in all casual ffs. The name's Bond, Chico Bond.
sits in boxies and stares at bedsit*
Love how you drop that in all casual ffs. The name's Bond, Chico Bond.
I watched Ricky a lot and I enjoyed him in him early days especially but if I'm honest I lost a bit of respect for him towards the end of his career . My ex was cabin crew and loved her boxing and swapped to work a flight to Vegas for the manny fight , Ricky was as we all know battered but still managed to invite all the virgin crew girls and a lot more besides to a pool party where as I understand he was behaving very unlike a pro-boxer. Lads I know had laid 1000's to watch him but he seemed ill prepared and then went in a mad one. I'd be surprised if the lifestyle hadn't really cost Ricky but we'll have to wait and see and I'm not sure this first fight will answer the questions many of us have.
The reality is I don't want to see Ricky through away his hard earned reputation but I really think that's exactly what'll happen.
I remember the day before the fight him telling people to bet their house on him winning, I know all boxers bluff, but he knew he had a bad training camp so maybe bluff in a way that doesnt encourage people to bet on you.
I always liked Hatton though, in an age where Boxing is very much in the background in sporting prestige, Ricky's fights, at least his title fights, always felt like a proper event, but as I've said, this comeback is like an extreme psychological therapy session, it could end in tears. This guy hes fighting, he might well get past him and look very good doing it, saw the fella training and his footwork is appalling, if he gets that jab going he may have some success though. But what comes after, unless he is back to Kosta tzsyu form, and barring a time machine how can he be, then Kell Brook could beat him handily, Mayweather would destroy him, cotto also, and heaven forbid we have to hear Amir Khan talk about how 'we' beat Hatton.
Yeh nothing i disagree with there fellas. spot on i think. Would hate to see him get beat by Khan, i can see it happening though cos they`d make money out of it.
Thats what it all comes down to mate, true of all sports, but none more so than boxing, money talks
More interested in watching Flintoff.
How do you's get all the knowledge about it? Dying to know it inside out, love watching it whenever I get a chance.
More interested in watching Flintoff.
Really, Do you think He`ll achieve anything apart from making a bit of money out of it. I was thinking it`ll be a bit crap. Would be funny if he was ace but i think they`re just cashing in on his name and know it`ll generate a bit of interest cos he`s swapping sports. could be a laugh though.
I think he'll get beat, but I fully admire the effort he's actually put into it.
Is He tryin to make a go of it or is it just the one fight he`s having? suppose if he wins he`d prob have another one wouldn`t he?
Just watched the first programme tonight like so I don't really know the future plans. Would think a win (unlikely) would lead to future fights. He's 34 though so there's not much future.
what channel is that on mate? yeh bit old to be starting really. Think he likes to test himself though which is a good thing
Sky 1 mate, it'll be on Anytime like. Well worth a watch.