Feed the blackbirds some mealworms and grated cheese for the Robins.the bird table has been a roaring success in the garden...
3 squirrels , a great tit, 3 robins, a blackbird male and female ..
and these last few days, ive been watched a magnificent Jay bird coming and collecting 5 peanuts at a time and coming too and from his nest to feed his young I pressume
Feed the blackbirds some mealworms and grated cheese for the Robins.
You can get them to eat, literally out of your hand if you play it cool.
There'll soon be mice.the bird table has been a roaring success in the garden...
3 squirrels , a great tit, 3 robins, a blackbird male and female ..
and these last few days, ive been watched a magnificent Jay bird coming and collecting 5 peanuts at a time and coming too and from his nest to feed his young I pressume
the garden is welcome to all visitorsThere'll soon be mice.
There'll soon be rats.the garden is welcome to all visitors
There'll soon be rats.
They will soon get an England call up.There'll soon be rats.
With a welcome sign ?ive got a gun for that
With a welcome sign ?
the bird table has been a roaring success in the garden...
3 squirrels , a great tit, 3 robins, a blackbird male and female ..
and these last few days, ive been watched a magnificent Jay bird coming and collecting 5 peanuts at a time and coming too and from his nest to feed his young I pressume
I hate to be the bearer of bad news Frank.
If you keep encouraging the squirrels and Jay to your bird table, they will kill and eat any young birds that come to the bird table and also follow the parents back to the nest and eat whatever er is in the nest.
They’re both predatory and are voracious nest robbers.
Also, if you have any bird boxes up, the squirrels will chew through the entrance hole to get at whatever’s inside.
They may look cute, but they’re rats with tails.
Apparently so...im just putting seed and stuff out for them on a bird table ?? does it have to end it carnage ??
Fur and feather,im just putting seed and stuff out for them on a bird table ?? does it have to end it carnage ??