The yanks will now drop football like Gordon Geko in wall street. For a while at least.
No, I think you'll get shrewder Yanks.
Let's be direct about it - the ringleaders have been exposed. Surely Perez is staring down the barrel of a no-confidence vote. His enemies must be salivating at the chance to break his stranglehold on the club. Woodward is gone for incompetence - whether his or the Glazers', we're never likely to know with certainty.
Kroenke is quietly withdrawing as gracefully as possible under the circumstances. FSG looked, and looks, tone-deaf.
But the money is still out there, waiting to be scooped up. Fortune favors the bold, and all of that. It'll take a lot more planning, negotiating and listening to pull it off, but there will be other Yanks that think they've learned the lessons of today, and have a plan.
If you ban the Yanks specifically, sooner or later it will be the Chinese, or the Indians, or the Russians, or a group of Brazilians or Argentines or whomever in their place. If you ban them all, and go it alone to 50+1, sooner or later you will lose your pre-eminent position in the game due to money flowing elsewhere, and with it your ability for self-determination.
So you're going to need a broad-based solution across borders. What I think true fans have seen in the last 48 hours is that these people pose a clear and present danger to the game. It's up to those fans to make their voices clearly heard by their clubs, and organize to take action if there are not real reforms taken to protect the game.
Otherwise, you will most assuredly lose some of the character of your football, the same way that our college football and basketball lost many of its traditional rivalries in the last major conference reorganization. That, by the way, was about the same issue in the end - chasing and monetizing eyeballs.
There needs to be punishments handed out
I think that this is more likely to take the form of solutions that those clubs find unappetizing than explicit punishments, with the possible exception of driving some of the principals out of the game.