My default position in most of these situations is the old Groucho Marx maxim- if he walks like an idiot, and walks like an idiot, ladies and gentleman please do not be easily fooled, that man is an idiot.
I really don't think this lot are able to plan something so intricate.
I just think for the most part they are short sighted and useless. As you have rightly said, most people in football just look at the most immediate pressures. The Karren Brady pradigm as you were. I could be being harsh on Brady there, but most people in football are amongst the most short sighted and literal you will ever meet. They don't see the big picture (mind the pun).
I can imagine if you or I tried to them "but if you don't punish them they will leave again" and you will just get a couple of responses being essentially "we need them" and "but they're back now". Thats all you would get.
To some degree it's a consequence of operating in a prolonged bull market. Nobody can comprehend tihngs going wrong, so due diligence and the sort of actuarial risk management goes out of the window.
In essence, I'd love to say it was a ploy, but they're just really stupid.