Finished the main story on Cyberpunk last night. Must say I enjoyed it, and despite playing it on console I had a pretty trouble-free experience - the worst I had was when a mission didn't move on after I'd killed all the enemies it had instructed me to, which meant loading the last checkpoint. But nothing remotely close to game-breaking, and not one crash. I know there are plenty more missions to do in it, but I'm not sure if I want to devote that much more time to it. I know a lot has been said about the game, but I really had no big problem with it, other than finding it to be not revolutionary in the slightest; all told, it's just another big open-world game in which you craft items, do side missions, acquire perks, and encounter tedious boss battles. With all its emphasis on hacking, drones, etc, it kind of reminded me of Watch Dogs Legion which, while also buggy, is probably the better game all told. I think the menus for perks/skills, cyberware, hacks, etc are all needlessly complicated and fiddly - granted, it may be you can take it as deep as you want, but for all the talk of "builds" and so on, I found myself spending perk points in a fairly arbitrary way, and got through most of the game with just a half-decent sniper rifle. Anyway, I think that there's a lot of fun to be had with it if you managed to avoid both the hype machine and the post-release negativity. As it can now be had for less than £20 for PC, which it seems to run so much better on, I'd definitely recommend it at that price.