@Death seems you were correct, looking forward to jumping back into this on the 30th then.
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut will be available on March 30th.
We are extremely pleased to announce that the release date for Disco Elysium - The Final Cut is March 30th, 2021. That’s right, it’s almost time for the show, people. Let the countdown begin!
If you already own Disco Elysium then The Final Cut will be available to you as a free upgrade. Those who purchase the game after The Final Cut goes live will get to experience it all from their first playthrough at no extra cost.
So, where does this announcement leave us? Well, it means there are now only 13 days left until you can play the new and wonderful experience we’ve been working hard on for you all. We’ve talked about a few of the features that we’re adding but there are plenty more we haven’t even mentioned…
We won’t spoil them here, but let’s just say one new feature might have you reconsider if teleportation really is possible. On a less mysterious note, we want to give a shout out to our animator, Eduardo Rubio, who has added a ton of new animations for you all to enjoy. As we’ve said before, we also have full English voiceover, new political vision quests, and new characters for you to meet.
We know the community is eager to play Disco Elysium - The Final Cut and want to thank you all for your patience as we put it all together. It’s proven a hell of a beast to box up and get into shape, but we’re so proud of how it’s all come together and can’t wait for you to love it.