Can anyone advise on the basics of a pc build? My son has been asking after one for ages, and I've been resolutely ignoring him, but he's now gone and broken his leg, poor chap. So I am minded to get him one if I can, for about a grand + / - (probably +), but have no clue about gaming PCs.
He's talking about a 1660 ti GPU and a Ryzen 5600xCPU with a rog b550f motherboard. Monitor would be this one:
Amazon product ASIN B07FCM5WXF
Plus other stuff obv but that seems to be the core of it. Think he has specc'd it up from speaking with other children on reddit so it could be nonsense, what do you reckon?
You're looking at around £1.3k for that setup. Getting that exact motherboard in a pre-built is a challenge/unlikely/doesn't actually really matter.
I can't find a 5600x pre-built with the 1660TI at my usual places, but if his primary purpose is gaming then I'd go for this - - the CPU is a bit older but the GPU is a fairly substantial upgrade on the 1660TI, RAM is 16GB which is the minimum you need (ignore anything with 8GB) - it's not a bad PC that, will run anything thrown at it well. Hard drive in that is not ideal but it's a simple upgrade at a later date.
If you do go for the 1660TI somewhere, make sure it's the TI and not the Super, there's a fairly big difference.