Loved getting back into the Tony Hawk games on PS5. Almost completed them both.
It’s one of the many, many games on my wish list. It does look intriguing.Anyone played road 96, looks original and worth a pint at £17.
It's a procedural generated hitch hiking game were you are trying to escape the country.
Got a lot of good feedback in steam user reviews
I'm getting it when I get back home tomorrow, will post an update here on what it's like.It’s one of the many, many games on my wish list. It does look intriguing.
That's decent compared to the games I usually play!Final Fantasy 7 is a rare 10/10. One of the greatest games of all time, and still worth a playthrough 25 years after release, even unmodded. You'll need about 40-50 hours in total gametime. A whopping time-investment! But well worth it.
holy yikes! i got that on a Steam freebie, it looks like the Persona games.I have just devoted 120 hours to Tokyo Xanadu EX+!
Yeah its basically Trails of Cold Steel in a modern setting mixed with a bit of Ys (two games I love, I just love Falcom games).holy yikes! i got that on a Steam freebie, it looks like the Persona games.
i'd like to have loads of free gametime, so many classics out there i'll probably never get round to. i try out loads but only manage to complete about two games per year: this year did Resident Evil 4 VR and now FFVII. Last year did Half-Life: Alyx and Bioshock Infinite. One year did the Mass Effect trilogy!
In my favoured to-play shortlist there's the classic Parasite Eve, and the horror sequel-trio of Project Zero 2 (aka as Fatal Frame), Silent Hill 2 and Forbidden Siren 2 (aka Siren). plus Lost Odyssey and Plague Tale.
From VR there's the modded Skyrim, Lone Echo, Boneworks and an unhealthy bunch of horror games lol
At current rates I'll have these completed by the end of 2027...
did you wallop that sea beast up the cracken? and get the golden chocobo for the knights of the round table?Been replaying the still-incredible Final Fantasy VII. This time, my first full playthrough since the 90's, I've done it with the fantastic (legal and free) Satsuki Yatoshi mod. All you need is the purchased freshly-installed Steam version. The mod is easy-to-install & stable, tho' I wouldn't combine it with other mods. It's superior to the recent PS4 soft-remaster. And the game itself is superior to the modern FFVII-Remake (or rather, Reboot).
I'm about to enter the North Cave (Disc-3 in old terms), the final stretch of the game. It really does have an amazing story, so multi-layered, and with effective pacing. Some lines I forgot about really hit hard this time, like...that dialogue is in a scene directly after the infamous Disc-1 cliffhanger. The trauma is palpable."please Professor, please give me a number"
Gameplay is still excellent fun: the thankfully-rare mini-games (motorbike, snowboard, sub) are a bit crap but the core game is grand: exploring is very moreish, reading (instead of relying on voice-acting) adds an element of depth, much like what you get from a book vs movie-version, and reading as much as you can find adds more layers to the story, barely any line is wasted. The clever materia/inventory-system is balanced just right. Battles are somehow never boring. If any of yous ever undertake this game - any version of it - I recommend setting the Battle-config to "active" and fastest speed, so the fights feel intense and less like chess.
Here's coupla screenshots (using phone-camera) - this is gameplay not cutscene. The characters are no longer those child-like blocky sprites...really adds to the experience:
View attachment 180370
View attachment 180339
View attachment 180340
Playing on a big 2x2m projector screen. Cut-scenes as you can imagine are spectacular, the only complaint is that with the mod some scenes are darkened as the Ai-powered oily-remaster process does its thing, plus there's some jerky scrolling during occasional mild annoyance. The mod's also got neat things like making the text-boxes transparent, having the original (and masterful) PS1-soundtrack, smooth FPS and more.
Final Fantasy 7 is a rare 10/10. One of the greatest games of all time, and still worth a playthrough 25 years after release, even unmodded. You'll need about 40-50 hours in total gametime. A whopping time-investment! But well worth it.
the English-language version costs around a hundred quid on the used market, but i managed to find a legal but slightly-complicated workaround:I remember Parasite Eve when it came out, loved it at first but got stuck and never went back to it. Steam list-of-shame is ridiculous. I need about 10 lifetimes to plough through that. I'm a sucker for those bundles...Yeah I tend to stockpile games and struggle to get round to playing them.
I've got Yakuza Zero on Steam which is fairly up there in my shortlist. It seems like a better option than Shenmue (which I gave up on after about two hours).Next up for me is either Yakuza - Like a Dragon
NopeIs Rimworld any good?