Computer games.

blitzed 'Disco Elysium', game of the year 2019 how? very let down.
2018s 'into the breach' was a cracker.
2020 'death stranding' to be investigated next.
2021 'valheim' same.
2022 'elden ring' never heard of it.
About to give 'deathloop' a run...
Deathloop’s good fun to be fair - if you played dishonored you’ll probably like it as it’s the same studio.

That said I’m slightly offended by your Elden Ring and Disco Elysium takes
I can’t get past first round or level or whatever of Into The Breach
One of the opening squads is seriously overpowered, it's very tactical, it's like chess. Once you've got through two islands and then the double boss round you'll get the hang of it, also carrying the correct pilot through the timeline is key, the strongest pilots are obvious.
Seriously high quality game. Proving lo fi can be crazy challenging.
Never heard of elden ring, yet evidently plays games.

Hopefully the rock you live under is cozy at least lol

Why did Disco Elysium let you down mate? I've not finished it but now that it's voiced I might at some point - played it well earlier and it was good, even if bizarre (not a bad thing).
It went nowhere, running around picking up clues and trying to operate the correct chat options became tedious. And the ending, no spoilers, deplorable, no closure. All that effort and the late introduction of something* which added nothing was needlessly weird. The research thinking time thing is a mess, I wanted the option to fit someone up or admit to the crimes myself, there's no application of skill or personal creativity. it reminded me of those adventure books from the early 80's , 'go to page 56 part iii for your fate' - page 56 pt iii 'you tumble into the abyss, start over' etc. Hated that crap.
Won't be playing it again, glad to see the back of it, realised I didn't like it to late and had to graft to the end to get rid of it.
Seems elden ring might be the surprise package that'll relight my fire...

Also, trying to give deathloop a whirl, but it doesn't half seem complicated, like if chris nolan had got pished up and chucked a creeper shooter together with some delorean ideas. Might be that DE had narked me enough to just be in a pissy mood.

I think with computer games I get a sense of completion due to my participation, so the quality of the ending is less important to me in a game than a movie/book/tv series
I saw it for what it was and loved it. It was trippy, unique and definitely interesting which is more than I can say for a lot of games. You have to look at the developers who essentially were forced to release the game because they ran out of time and funding. They released a free update to flesh it out a bit more which was greatly appreciated. I just think it was one of those cases where they put so much heart and effort into the flesh of the game that they didn’t have an ending prepared to tie things up before they ran out of time. It’s not their fault.
Won't play it anytime soon myself but have a colleague who swears it's great now. He drank the hype kool aid for release and was very meh cuz of the bugs, but played. Dropped it for a bit and just followed the updates, now says he's VERY happy with it.

I had never played Mass Effect properly, only seen streams and all, but saw the gf has the Legendary edition, which is all 3 games. Currently on the 2nd game, it's a fantastic game series evidently, some of the things in it are annoying AF from game to game though. A lot goes up with the games, but quite a lot in UI/UX goes well down.

Gonna finish ME2 today/tomorrow and go for ME3 before Baldur's Gate releases.
I loved Mass Effect - good sci fi story with some actual characters, plenty of lore and back then it looked great. There was plenty of stuff to be irritated by (MAKO driving and scanning planets were tiresome) and some of the acting is a touch hammy but I really got into the story. Especially liked how taking different crew members out gave alternate dialogue and all their different takes on things that were happening as well as your actions.

Swerve the fourth ME game though - Andromeda. An absolute car crash that completely killed the franchise and the a fine example of how corrupt and paid for a lot of the gaming press is.
Won't play it anytime soon myself but have a colleague who swears it's great now. He drank the hype kool aid for release and was very meh cuz of the bugs, but played. Dropped it for a bit and just followed the updates, now says he's VERY happy with it.

I had never played Mass Effect properly, only seen streams and all, but saw the gf has the Legendary edition, which is all 3 games. Currently on the 2nd game, it's a fantastic game series evidently, some of the things in it are annoying AF from game to game though. A lot goes up with the games, but quite a lot in UI/UX goes well down.

Gonna finish ME2 today/tomorrow and go for ME3 before Baldur's Gate releases.

I loved Mass Effect - good sci fi story with some actual characters, plenty of lore and back then it looked great. There was plenty of stuff to be irritated by (MAKO driving and scanning planets were tiresome) and some of the acting is a touch hammy but I really got into the story. Especially liked how taking different crew members out gave alternate dialogue and all their different takes on things that were happening as well as your actions.

Swerve the fourth ME game though - Andromeda. An absolute car crash that completely killed the franchise and the a fine example of how corrupt and paid for a lot of the gaming press is.
Dual, don't click the spoiler if you're not aware how it ends:

I was blown away by the
Indoctrination Theory, which posits all that happened after being blasted by that massive Reaper (on the way to the Beam-up point to the Citadel) was in Shepherd's head. A mind-battle, featuring the two symbolic figures in his life representing control & destroy (Illusive Man & Commander Anderson) and the kid who he'd been hallucinating about representing synthesis.

Like a numbnut I first chose synthesis then got sinister vibes that i made a terrible mistake, Shepherd became husk-like, everyone's eyes got weird. Control was another copout. The Reapers basically attempting to pulverise Shepherd's mind.

Of course destroy was the only correct option, that's what we've been aiming towards the entire series!

I felt utterly slain by this plot-twist. Amazing stuff! Even better than Soma's existentialist-crisis of a twist. Then I looked it up and sure I found lots of discussion on this, but it incredibly wasn't mainstream-accepted as an official canonical plot-twist.

Some time later one of the ME-writers confirmed the Indoctrination Theory was only a fan-theory...but I find that hard to believe, considering the evidence (Shepherd even wakes up in the rubble of London!). Someone put those clues in there, and then others got cold feet about it. The latter got the call, but the content put in by the former remained.

Here is a good description of it:

What do yous think?
Was a massive hermit when it came to Diablo 2, got Diablo 3 on the PS and it was gash. Couldn’t bring myself to pay £70 for Diablo 4, and stumbled across a game called path of exile. I’m probably late to the party, but it’s quality. Similar to Diablo, and I’ve enjoyed it a lot more than D3

Dual, don't click the spoiler if you're not aware how it ends:
I'm aware of a big part of the ending(s) but it's entirely different playing them yourself. I'll give my opinion sometime next week before Baldurs Gate 3 releases and takes over my life lol

Opinion so far is very, very positive. Jumping from ME1 to ME2 though - gameplay decisions completely baffle me, despite the fact they're lauded. In no real order but:
- Even though it's explained in-universe the addition of clips of ammo was unnecessary imo, even if it's not a huge negative, more a neutral point;
- Adding a vault mechanic that's utter jank to use and unclear was pointless;
- Pistols of all things having next to no ammo even fully upgraded was weird;
- Some of the choices/answers/dialogues being half-fleshed out or somewhat unclear or not what I'd want - I'm doing full paragon run(s) and in some cases other than the obvious blue paragon option the clearly obvious good the rest are ambiguous or not what I'd want. Sometimes it's "PARAGON/RENEGADE" on one side and on the other it's "Maybe/Maybe/Asshole-ish NO", why? I'm aware that's a personal nitpick though.
- My biggest actual pet peeve - in the first game the enemies felt killable within reason on normal. Get armor/shield down and organics die/burn rather quick when headshotted or from a stronger weapon; for robots - the special ammo (both fire and anti-robot had a full party bonus to them) or the abilities help massively; WHY in the name of anything add bullet sponge enemies? Who at Bioware decided that's a good idea? You go into a new area and the enemies are great, environment is amazing, but you gotta do a small-ish boss who has regenerating shield/barrier every 20% life (basically plot armour so you don't go too fast through it) just to stagger the gameplay. Many points where I can point these things happening, but spoilers and all. Hate it.

That said, I'd replay many times or go back to it - brilliant games both 1 and 2, hopefully 3 lives up to it. So far any negative I've had has many, many more positives in reality.
Was a massive hermit when it came to Diablo 2, got Diablo 3 on the PS and it was gash. Couldn’t bring myself to pay £70 for Diablo 4, and stumbled across a game called path of exile. I’m probably late to the party, but it’s quality. Similar to Diablo, and I’ve enjoyed it a lot more than D3
Diablo 4 is ass currently, wait it out if you want to buy it.

Do one Blizzard, releasing unfinished games.
I'm aware of a big part of the ending(s) but it's entirely different playing them yourself. I'll give my opinion sometime next week before Baldurs Gate 3 releases and takes over my life lol

Opinion so far is very, very positive. Jumping from ME1 to ME2 though - gameplay decisions completely baffle me, despite the fact they're lauded. In no real order but:
- Even though it's explained in-universe the addition of clips of ammo was unnecessary imo, even if it's not a huge negative, more a neutral point;
- Adding a vault mechanic that's utter jank to use and unclear was pointless;
- Pistols of all things having next to no ammo even fully upgraded was weird;
- Some of the choices/answers/dialogues being half-fleshed out or somewhat unclear or not what I'd want - I'm doing full paragon run(s) and in some cases other than the obvious blue paragon option the clearly obvious good the rest are ambiguous or not what I'd want. Sometimes it's "PARAGON/RENEGADE" on one side and on the other it's "Maybe/Maybe/Asshole-ish NO", why? I'm aware that's a personal nitpick though.
- My biggest actual pet peeve - in the first game the enemies felt killable within reason on normal. Get armor/shield down and organics die/burn rather quick when headshotted or from a stronger weapon; for robots - the special ammo (both fire and anti-robot had a full party bonus to them) or the abilities help massively; WHY in the name of anything add bullet sponge enemies? Who at Bioware decided that's a good idea? You go into a new area and the enemies are great, environment is amazing, but you gotta do a small-ish boss who has regenerating shield/barrier every 20% life (basically plot armour so you don't go too fast through it) just to stagger the gameplay. Many points where I can point these things happening, but spoilers and all. Hate it.

That said, I'd replay many times or go back to it - brilliant games both 1 and 2, hopefully 3 lives up to it. So far any negative I've had has many, many more positives in reality.
we (her indoors & me) played it on insanity difficulty level, so we played it more like chess than a shooter. ME3 especially felt really rewarding on that level. But playing our way requires lots of pausing and looking where the enemy may strike next. The
are pretty terrifying lol

Took about 3 months to finish the series. ME2 is the weakest for me, tho' it's often praised as the best. It was slow-going (after the initial spectacular beginning) and Shepherd
allying with Cerberus felt wrong after all the battles I had against them in ME1.
At first I wasn't taken by the Illusive Man character, but he really came into his own in ME3...

The final battle of ME2 is pretty damm epic! I inadvertantly
lost Tali, because I didn't successfully complete Miranda's Loyalty Mission, so her shield during the swarm attack wasn't strong enough to hold everyone. Tali just gets swooped away, never to return! Cold brutal ending for such a sympathetic character. As I play these games on-the-chin, I had to persevere without her. ME3 had a whole section where she'd have played a main role concerning her people, but instead I had to make do with a secondary character who took that role instead.

This actually made me appreciate the series more...that I have to live with my failures.

Regarding paragon/renegade, i didn't pay much attention to which was which, just went for whatever i felt was right at the time. Deffo more paragon than renegade by the end, but a bit grey-morally too.

Mass Effect 4 in VR, please. With the
Indoctrination Theory confirmed as it begins with Shepherd waking up in the rubble of London...

Not likely...on both fronts, unfortunately.
we (her indoors & me) played it on insanity difficulty level, so we played it more like chess than a shooter. ME3 especially felt really rewarding on that level. But playing our way requires lots of pausing and looking where the enemy may strike next. The
I'm not about that life with the insanity mode - fair play if you like it but cba being competitive in that as well - been playing competitive games at various high levels for 20 years, lightened off that in the last few, hahah. Plus I notice the crap like bullet sponges and stuff a lot more now because I actually think instead of shoot lol Just not much fun for me to play that way currently sadly.

I swerved failing by being a bad nerd and doing all the loyalty missions lol so everyone made it out alive. It did take me much longer though and I can see how it'd be even worse for you. I just liked their tailored stories - some are super sad like
both Jacob and Miranda's - Jacob finding his dad who's going absolutely nuts, Miranda with her sister/father, Jack's is super messed up in the opposite end of the messed up spectrum as well. Zaeed was fun and persuading him to not be a murderous knob was a surprising change
. Good writing for all of those, I'd even say better writing than some of the main quests! lol Kasumi's recruitment and loyalty mission were also really cool. Wish her and Zaeed were more fleshed out - her conversations were super cool or funny, shame it's just her talking at Shep instead of with them.

I wanted to do a good run, but to be honest most the answers I give (other than the "blue" paragon option) I tend to go for either good or neutral-good if available. Still got a bit of Renegade by the end of ME2, mind lol so we'll see how ME3 will be. Started it last night by the by, disappointed the "party bonus" spells are gone, but it's a bigger system by the look of things, so we'll see how it goes.

Who's your choice of romance(s), the most important question? lol And why can't we romance Grunt?!
I'm not about that life with the insanity mode - fair play if you like it but cba being competitive in that as well - been playing competitive games at various high levels for 20 years, lightened off that in the last few, hahah. Plus I notice the crap like bullet sponges and stuff a lot more now because I actually think instead of shoot lol Just not much fun for me to play that way currently sadly.
i'm a hardest-difficulty freak if i can get away with it. Did the entire Half-Life 2 series (with the eps) on VR. Amazingly-immersive action-gameplay. Died a thousand times. Took me half-a-year...

I guess i enjoy the feeling of reward when progressing on such difficulties, it feels more realistic, as i'm less of an invincible superman and more like a Tom Cruise character in Edge of Tomorrow (where the many-deaths contribute to learning how to progress).

I swerved failing by being a bad nerd and doing all the loyalty missions
i did them all, just failed at a couple...and i don't do reloads if the game continues anyway.

makes me appreciate the writing when things go wrong and i can't 'go back in time' to correct them.

Who's your choice of romance(s), the most important question? lol And why can't we romance Grunt?!
didn't do any of that...probably too old to be arsed. tho' i was taken by the velvety voice of the blue alien lady.

i guess you're doing all the expansions as they're included in the LE? i played them pre-LE and had to pay for the extras, so only did Leviathon (amazing!) and the one where you
pick up a survivor from the previous Reaper attacks
. I hear i seriously missed out on an ME2 expansion called Lair of the Shadow rave reviews from everyone.

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