Computer games.

It will get better mate.

Slowly but surey the PS4 is getting stronger. I guess the Xbone will be similar.

It's all just cross-gen multiplayer for the most part. Then any other single player games are like £60 off the marketplace.

Hope they do pick up. At least Battlefield Hardline comes out in 20 something days which sounds dead hypocritical but I love a bit of Battlefield.
It's all just cross-gen multiplayer for the most part. Then any other single player games are like £60 off the marketplace.

Hope they do pick up. At least Battlefield Hardline comes out in 20 something days which sounds dead hypocritical but I love a bit of Battlefield.
EA Access is worth £20 a year for the amount of games they have in the vault. Nice little start to a collection for little outlay. Think you get 6-7 free games like Fifa, Battlefield 4 with second assault, PvZ: Garden Warfare etc. if you haven't played them. Plus the digital sales are actually pretty decent sometimes, dropping well below what you could get the game for on disk. If you like AC have a look at, they have 4 for £2.99 and Unity for just above a tenner, which is a decent game now they've fixed the bugs, I haven't experienced any of the issues that were mentioned since buying it anyway.

Also it's not next gen but a bargain, they regularly put up the whole Telltale game collection for £35, with WD 1 & 2, GOT, Wolf among us, and tales from the borderlands
I'd recommend The Jimquisition on You Tube if you're interested in video games

That and Zero Punctuation are regular viewing for me

Even started watching Angry Joe and Totalbiscuit too

I'm partly annoyed that the shows are so good if I'm honest. I'd love their jobs. Make funny videos about computer games on You Tube while getting paid to do so
I'd recommend The Jimquisition on You Tube if you're interested in video games

That and Zero Punctuation are regular viewing for me

Even started watching Angry Joe and Totalbiscuit too

I'm partly annoyed that the shows are so good if I'm honest. I'd love their jobs. Make funny videos about computer games on You Tube while getting paid to do so
Sorry, but watching people playing video games on Youtube is the saddest of the sad. My 10 year old does it, and its bad... So bad..

Any Portal fans in here? Two games I tend to go back to. Can't wait for the new Tomb Raider

I loved Portal

In fact, here's my review

Portal is an absolutely cracking game. I know another internet goon like me espousing the brilliance of this game must be getting redundant for some, but it really has to be said. Portal is up there with The Wire, Breaking Bad and Mr Muscle Window Cleaner in the “everyone universally bangs on about how bloody brilliant it is” category. But it is bloody brilliant. It really, really, REALLY is!

Portal is a game that challenges and enthrals in equal measure. Once I started playing it, I really couldn’t stop myself. I’d finish a puzzle and say “Well, that was fun, time for me to go feed/clothe/wash myself now before I become even more a shuffling wreck than I already am”. But then I’d walk into the next room “just to have a quick look at the next puzzle” and I’d ultimately then complete another three in a row. I just couldn’t help myself. It was like when I had a box of 12 Krispy Kreme donuts and ended up eating half the box because I still had coffee remaining and I just couldn’t stop dipping them.

To try and explain Portal won’t be entirely easy but I’ll give it a go. Basically, it’s a first person puzzler. You play an unnamed female character that wakes up in a strange testing centre. You quickly acquire a gun that can create Portals in the walls of the complex. You then have to use said Portal gun to try and escape the complex itself. Sometimes you won’t be able to access certain areas before you have pressed a button or moved a block onto a switch to ensure the escape door remains open. In situations like these, you will need more than just the Portal Gun itself to make it to safety.

I’ve personally never been hugely fond of games that included puzzles. The original Tomb Raider games on the Playstation would sometimes drive me to despair with some of their fiendish and downright annoying conundrums. However, Portal never frustrated me in that way. I mean, it did frustrate me, but in a way that made me want to solve the puzzle. It didn’t contain the agonising frustration that made me want to use Tomb Raider 2 as a £40 coaster.

The difficulty curve of the game was set up just right for me. It eased me in gradually and by the time the puzzles started getting harder, I felt prepared to tackle them. Considering that I’m hardly what you’d call “good” at video games, I can only conclude that Portal has been weighted perfectly in regards to difficulty. The game doesn’t outstay its welcome either. It clocks in at around 3 hours and is paced to complement the run time exceptionally well.

As far as negatives go, I don’t really have any. The game is perfect for what it needs to be. If it was released on it’s own for £40, it would not be worth the money as there just isn’t enough game to justify that price. As part of The Orange Box though, it’s a veritable steal. I almost feel guilty playing it, as if I’ve unfairly got one over on the people at Valve.

If you don’t like puzzlers, I’m still quite certain you will enjoy this. I really can’t find a complaint with it. It exceeds everything it should have been and happily embraces everything it can be.

Portal is just amazing and if you don’t like it, you can go fist a Yak

Rating – 10

Play it, love it, praise it and have a pint of sunshine while you’re at it.

EA Access is worth £20 a year for the amount of games they have in the vault. Nice little start to a collection for little outlay. Think you get 6-7 free games like Fifa, Battlefield 4 with second assault, PvZ: Garden Warfare etc. if you haven't played them. Plus the digital sales are actually pretty decent sometimes, dropping well below what you could get the game for on disk. If you like AC have a look at, they have 4 for £2.99 and Unity for just above a tenner, which is a decent game now they've fixed the bugs, I haven't experienced any of the issues that were mentioned since buying it anyway.

Also it's not next gen but a bargain, they regularly put up the whole Telltale game collection for £35, with WD 1 & 2, GOT, Wolf among us, and tales from the borderlands

Will have a look at them, cheers. I steered clear of Unity because I heard how broken at was, had no idea they fixed it so I may pick that up and see what it's like. I did buy Forza 5 for like £15 from G2A but they have hardly any decent Xbox One games on there.
Not wrong there lad.

Seem to just stick to FIFA and that me, things that come out every year.

Picked up Sniper Elite on sale the other day for a tenner off the marketplace, not bad like.

I just smash clubs me, class striker on it not going to lie.

I was debating whether to get that and swerved in the end.
Will have a look at them, cheers. I steered clear of Unity because I heard how broken at was, had no idea they fixed it so I may pick that up and see what it's like. I did buy Forza 5 for like £15 from G2A but they have hardly any decent Xbox One games on there.

I just smash clubs me, class striker on it not going to lie.

I was debating whether to get that and swerved in the end.

It's boss lad. Assassins Creed is on now for 12 quid.
Sorry, but watching people playing video games on Youtube is the saddest of the sad. My 10 year old does it, and its bad... So bad..

I really enjoy Zeropunctuation, a video review of a game rather than watching someone play it.

Having said that I used to watch a lot of halo videos when I was trying to improve my technique back in the day. Ogre Twins ftw

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