But what he has explained above is contrary to what you were saying...
It is quite possible that Dele's employment contract is separate to his contract of transfer. If that was the case, then it could be quite possible that we're we to re-sign him, the contract of transfer agreement would remain the same, and we would owe a fee based upon completed games. It would matter if one of two things were in existence. 1, that the actual contracts were separate, and 2. That the contract of transfer was not time or event bound. That means it would effectively sit over Dele for the remainder of his playing career, regardless of current or number of employers in between.
What you argued yesterday was that if we were to offer him.a new contract now, it would be a contract of employment extension, meaning we would still owe money to Spurs. Now your saying that they're both separate contracts anyway, so even if it was a contract extension, it wouldn't make any odds anyway as the pertinent contract hasn't even ended.
Oh what a tangled web we weave.....