Thank you some good suggestions there.
How long did it take you to get over the shingles if you don't mind me asking. I've been suffering about 3 weeks so far.
I struggle with the lock down because I'm terminally ill but at the minute no idea how long I've got so I wonder what the point is sometimes.
I had been on a diet and I was down to my target weight and I was working in building muscle but the shingles as lost me my motivation and all I do is binge at moment and I've put weight on which compounds the depression.
The Everton crap part was always to be expected I was just stupid believing it would be any different but I think its been a double kick.
Erm I had shingles for ages; swear it was about 7 weeks till the pain went. Always thought it was an old people thing at the time! (I’m 28). They suck but nothing you can do about it unfortunately.
Sorry to hear about your position but I hope you can find some things to do. Until your shingles clears you won’t be able to get back into your fitness but they’ll soon go and you can get straight back into it. I’m a comfort eater myself so I feel your pain.