Perhaps I should have worn blue tinted specs lolOnly just read about your Aunt Eva. So sorry for your loss. After such a a bad week, I'm pleased that you have at least had some good news from your eye check. Retinal migraine? Never heard of it. Your eyes have clearly suffered from watching too many Everton games.
Mr G. and I are going to see grandkids with their presents Christmas morning and then daughter and her family are coming to ours for the afternoon and staying for tea. Bit worried that we may be going into lockdown and our plans will be scuppered like last year when our area was placed in tier 4. I was so upset when everything was cancelled at the last minute and I’ll be devastated if it happens again.Any winter plans for Christmas folks? Summer down here, so maybe a small gathering with the famous Australian bbq.
Hopefully you get Christmas done before the inevitable closures. Enjoy.Mr G. and I are going to see grandkids with their presents Christmas morning and then daughter and her family are coming to ours for the afternoon and staying for tea. Bit worried that we may be going into lockdown and our plans will be scuppered like last year when our area was placed in tier 4. I was so upset when everything was cancelled at the last minute and I’ll be devastated if it happens again.
Fingers crossed for you. It’s a beautiful thing to spend Christmas with family and it’s heartbreaking when people are robbed of that privilege.Mr G. and I are going to see grandkids with their presents Christmas morning and then daughter and her family are coming to ours for the afternoon and staying for tea. Bit worried that we may be going into lockdown and our plans will be scuppered like last year when our area was placed in tier 4. I was so upset when everything was cancelled at the last minute and I’ll be devastated if it happens again.
Cherish those moments Spotty. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.I have just finished - 11pm - a very very busy shift on the Ward. When it's busy it means a number, or one particular patient has been distressed. But that's not the reason I'm posting - sharing this - it's something else, something so inconsequential to everyone reading this, that you'll think " Spotty has lost it ".
Anyway, when I got back my wife was in bed but she had made a fish pie. It wasn't a normal fish pie, it was magnificent, something I often say to my wife, as one of her " prisoners last meal " meals - magnificent. It then got me thinking of 33 years of marriage to my wife and I thought of that wonderful time the day I visited her, 24 hours after I had watched her for the best part of the previous day pushing my first born son into the World. She was sat on the edge of the bed, holding my son and she was the vision of loveliness, she was glowing, she smelled lovely too, and on that day I felt immense pride and love for my wife.
What am I trying to say here, I'm not quite sure, but I have this fantastic feeling, I feel happy and lucky to have this beautifull, caring great mum to my kids as my wife. It probably makes me sound soppy but in the space of 12 hours I've experienced seeing people in complete dispair to reflecting - triggered by the eating of a simple fish pie - on how lucky I am, working in the most rewarding job in the World and having spent 33 years with this wonderfull human being.
I shall sleep well tonight. Goodnight all.
Back in the day I spent about 5/6 years when my responsibilities included looking after lottery winners. Some managed their new found situation well, but I would say in about 75% of cases winning the lottery ruined their lives. Many divorced, many turned to drink and drugs. It was horrible to witness and you could honestly see the change in their personality.You’re spot on there, when you say it’s the simple things in life make you the most happy. Hence why so many people who seem to have it all, throw it all away and end up deeply unhappy.
Material things can only bring contentment to a certain extent.
It’s things like your child giving you a hug, a walk in the countryside, good company, a good book, etc that do it for me.
Although I must admit, I do love driving my classic car, which is a money pit lol
Sorry to hear that mate. I know how much they (you) were looking forward to it. The lads will get over it quickly though and it will be completely fogotten by the time Christmas morning arrives. Whether you'll get over missing out on reindeer stew so quickly is a another matter.Supposed to be in the airport hotel tonight ahead of taking our boys to see Father Chrimbo in Lapland. Had to call it off because my eldest has come down with a fever and a few other symptoms. Negative COVID test but still couldn’t risk travel.
Both lads were so excited last night when we gave them their “invites” that not being able to take them has absolutely buckled me. They got over it fairly quickly but their jubilation from last night keeps playing in my head and upsetting me again and again.
I know it was the right thing to do, I know it’s not the end of the world and I know we’ll still have a lovely Chrimbo but I can’t stop feeling like I’ve failed to give them this amazing experience. My rational brain knows how stupid that is, but he’s not in charge at the mo, clearly.
That's great news Gwladys.I’m well thanks and eye check revealed that my eye is healthy. Confirmed what the GP said I have retinal migraine. It’s a bit disconcerting but not painful and lasts only 20 minutes. He couldn’t do anything about double vision as I hadn’t been referred by an optician so back to Specsavers after Christmas for a referral. Things could be worse I can read as my vision is good up to a distance of about 4feet and I am able to see, so many people can’t. I am feeling happier in myself as well, the concern shown by so many on here has cheered me no end. Thanks everyone.
Thank you my friend. Yeah, the kids were over it pretty quickly, though my eldest’s reaction was heartbreaking when he realised he was too poorly to travel. We’ll have a lovely Christmas together though, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed we can keep them believing for another year so we can try again.Sorry to hear that mate. I know how much they (you) were looking forward to it. The lads will get over it quickly though and it will be completely fogotten by the time Christmas morning arrives. Whether you'll get over missing out on reindeer stew so quickly is a another matter.
Staying at home with husband and two grown up children. We have snow forecast over Christmas. Trying to co-ordinate a visit to family in Liverpool but depends on weather and any potential post Christmas lockdown - which would appear to be coming, it's just a question of when. I'm looking forward to a few days off and just chilling out.Any winter plans for Christmas folks? Summer down here, so maybe a small gathering with the famous Australian bbq.
Spotty what lovely post about your wife that was. It is the simple things in life that at times bring us the most joy, but sometimes we are too distracted wishing for something bigger, better, when what can make us happy is just there waiting for us to acknowledge it and enjoy it.Thanks Earwig. Not lucky my friend, I genuinely think it's because I don't ask for much and I get enjoyment from simple things. I'm rubbish with money, mum didn't have much and frankly I'll die poor but I'm ok with that, a good meal, a nice cigar and some good company and as long as the wife and boys are ok, I'm happy. I'm curious, what makes you happy, do you want for much of have you simple needs like me?
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I’m a very outdoorsy person so 10 days inside would be very hard for me too. But reading sounds like a good plan, I don’t ever seem to catch up with my reading list. Maybe watching some documentaries about the sort of thing you enjoy doing outdoors can also make you feel no so enclosed. Best of luck and may the days go fast for you.I think if I watch too much Everton my situation will turn into The Shining
i guess my main worry, is that even during the lockdowns i was able to go out for a run or bike ride like, i'm a pretty outdoorsy person overall so 10 days in my house non stop is new for me
suppose i'll finally get onto my reading list
Dear @Gwladysover I'm just seeing this post but I still wanted to express my sincere condolences about your family losing aunt Eva. It seems the past few days many people we care about have departed from this earth but never from our hearts.I’m okay thanks. Have problems with my eye sight (double vision) which my new glasses didn’t correct. Got nowhere with opticians as they wouldn’t do anything until I gave it two weeks which I did with no success. The optician still wouldn’t see me but the dispensing assistant adjusted frames made no difference but told to give it another two weeks. Rang GP as I developed further problems, she got me an emergency appointment at the hospital on Friday, so hopefully may get something sorted. Then my aunt died, my late mother’s youngest sister. She was born late in life to my Nan who couldn’t cope after already having had six children, losing one in infancy. My mum although only 11 took over Aunt Eva’s care and basically became a mother to her. They always had a special bond and was a link to my Mum which now she has passed has been broken. It’s all been a bit much. On the plus side although not perfect I can still see - many people can’t! Thanks for listening and by the way your wife sounds lovely.