Hey all, where to start with this... apologies to burden others but I'm really struggling.
Things hadn't been great with my partner but life was ok. We have the most amazing perfect little boy, he is very nearly 2. He is my world.
I found out in November that she had been having an affair with her boss, who was also a good friend of mine. Since then life has been really tough. Over Christmas she took my boy to Poland to be with her family and I had 9 days alone when I should have been enjoying the time with my boy.
She has strung me along to keep the comfort of our home, whilst also chasing this other guy. They split for a little and within a week he was already dating other women. He knew what my boy looked like and how young he is, it feels very sinister as I feel he is literally stealing my child.
I have tried on at least 4 occasions to end it now, I just can't cope with him parading my child round like a trophy. Last night was the latest attempt, she got very aggressive trying to stop me and I now have several bite marks on my back and very bruised feet... and one snapped belt.
It has literally smashed me to pieces. I have lost over 15kg since Christmas and I'm desperately trying to be the best me I can be, but she is still living here and I have to watch as she builds a life with him. He leaves a wife and 2 young children.
I am so unlucky, when I did get the courage to call the smaritans, they didn't pick up. People tell me it will get easier and time will heal, but I just can't get past his involvement with my boy. To me he is pure evil, to know the family you are destroying and still do it, not sure what sort of scum does that.
I found a bunch of messages on her phone and that's how I busted them, reading about how my child would be ok with it as he is so young. Society literally sticks the middle finger up at men in this scenario, then want to charge you for it. I would get more help if someone stole my car, but I'm totally powerless in who is involved in my boys life. I just can't see a way I can ever get passed it. I will lose seeing my boy for over 5 years before he is 16, 5 years I can't be there and 5 years of influence from this other guy. My son will treat him like a father figure and that just totally grinds me to the core.
I have had to hear and see so much, I literally did nothing more than work hard to provide for my family. For childcare, the enabler for her to do this, I had to find £1100 a month, all the burden fell on me but I did it. I moved my salary by 15k in a year, it took a lot to do... massive hours, high pressure. She just couldn't see the value as she has no responsibility for finances.
Apologies for the long post, I could literally write a book on what I have been through. I know ending it isn't the way but I can't shake the gut wrenching pain and its been about 10 weeks now.