Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

My mums starting her chemo this week, any advice from anyone who has had the terrible misfortune of going through this with one of their loved ones or themselves?
My best advice is be there for your Mum but also don’t forget about yourself. Keep your head up and understand it will be difficult to see at times! However let’s all hope she will be on the road to recovery and all of my thoughts are with you!

Best advice from me. Message your best mate! Get to a boozer one night, sink a beer and have a good old cry! It will do you the world of good! Much love x

I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.

Most of what you say there, sounds like stress to me mate and you’re fed up with your job.

I think a hell of a lot of people feel like you do, with regards to their lives - being on a hamster wheel.

How old are you, as the getting up all the time to go to the toilet could be a sign of an enlarged prostrate ( depending on your age )
I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
Do you have a partner, and if so have you spoken to them? I went through a similar thing, and it was her who identified that I was doing less exercising and sport.

I am not saying it's going to be a remedy for yourself, but for me the individual exercise combined with the social aspect of playing (meeting friends) helped a lot.

My point, however, was that it took someone close to me to identify what I needed to do for my circumstances.
I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
So sorry things are not great for you at the moment. Your lethargy and low mood is not helped by getting up several times a night. Maybe a trip to the GP to make sure things are ok physically would be a start. Best wishes.💙

I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
Get to your GP with your symptoms. You will probably need your bloods doing to get to the bottom of your health issues but it sounds to me with the weight loss and constant peeing you may be borderline diabetic - especially if you have a poor diet. With the help of the medical professionals I'm sure they will put you back on the right track and advise you re. a proper diet but you are better not to put things off. It will probably increase your mood for the better knowing that any underlying condition has been identified and resolved.
Do you have a partner, and if so have you spoken to them? I went through a similar thing, and it was her who identified that I was doing less exercising and sport.

I am not saying it's going to be a remedy for yourself, but for me the individual exercise combined with the social aspect of playing (meeting friends) helped a lot.

My point, however, was that it took someone close to me to identify what I needed to do for my circumstances.

No mate, only my folks and they are not people who would notice none obvious things tbh.

I'm considering whether to sign off for a week with stress. It doesn't help I have two roles at work, and often one manager tries to interfere and stop me doing the others. She's someone I really don't like putting up with but what choice is there.

I feel both physically and mentally ill, to vary degrees, most of the time. I really think I need a GP appointment.
No mate, only my folks and they are not people who would notice none obvious things tbh.

I'm considering whether to sign off for a week with stress. It doesn't help I have two roles at work, and often one manager tries to interfere and stop me doing the others. She's someone I really don't like putting up with but what choice is there.

I feel both physically and mentally ill, to vary degrees, most of the time. I really think I need a GP appointment.
Mate, that would be sound advice, and it's a real positive that you recognise that: it's only a small step, but it's an important one.

It could be a physical issue (the toilet aspect) is impacting on your mental health due to lethargy - lack of sleep and maybe through other aspects.

I'm not a doctor so I ain't going to be making medical assumptions here, however your symptoms do match a few things from low sodium to other stuff.

These can impact on your wellbeing, so get into the doctor, they'll do an assessment and some blood tests and go from there.
I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
Are you able to find things you can do in your free time that you enjoy? If your job is stressful, you need an outlet to enjoy yourself in your free time otherwise life can get pretty miserable, especially if you live alone. Saying this has someone who has experienced it before a few times. You get stressed at work which makes you more tired, you start going out less and less which makes you feel isolated and bored.
No mate, only my folks and they are not people who would notice none obvious things tbh.

I'm considering whether to sign off for a week with stress. It doesn't help I have two roles at work, and often one manager tries to interfere and stop me doing the others. She's someone I really don't like putting up with but what choice is there.

I feel both physically and mentally ill, to vary degrees, most of the time. I really think I need a GP appointment.
A lot of the times the physical side is caused by the mental stress/depression/Anxiety, it makes you physically unhealthy tired/lethargic/Unmotivated/Unhappy/eating habits etc..

I would like you say take a week off switch your brain off from work if you can, get yourself into the gym or going for walks/runs/cycling and see how you feel after that.

Honestly going the gym does more for me mentally than it does physically, it makes me feel good, makes me eat better and more regular and sleep better.
These are fundamentals but you will feel so much better because of it, im not saying it will remove all your problems but i guarantee you will feel much better in yourself and thats going in the right direction.

If its your job thats making you feel like this then i would seriously consider changing, easier said than done i know mate but your health is more important than any job.

I'm in a strange headspace, I'm not sure if it's quite a depression or just a bit of restlessness. Either way I don't like it and feel the need to express it somebody.

I'm finding my life very unsatisfying. I don't get out as much as I'd quite like, I don't feel like I meet enough people, and I don't enjoy being as reclusive I used too. Just feels like I don't do much except work, eat, sleep, repeat. My job is very stressful, to the point where I've seriously considered chucking it a few times (in previous years I would have). I don't seem to have any patience and I know I've been snappier with people.

I've lost 20lbs the last since the Spring, but I don't feel healthier. If anything I feel my diet is worse than ever. I'm constantly peeing, even needing to get up in the night several which I never used to do. I feel constantly dehydrated.

I don't know what is causing all this low mood and physical lethargy. Only at the beginning of this year I was on paper far worse off. I was unemployed, had dwindling fiances, was way out of shape and spent all my time shut-in. A lot of that has changed (for the better) yet I still feel something is really wrong.

I'm not sure of the answer.
Hi mate

Not a dr here but like others have mentioned, some of the symptoms sound like blood sugar regulation related (thirst, peeing, lethargy). Even if they're not, a GP visit would be a great next step.
Had a difficult time with myself of late.

Currently low on staff due to various and equally genuine reasons on work, some bereavement, some cancer treatment. Thankfully all is well with my friends there, they just need recovery time.

I’m also doing my masters in Advanced Clinical Practice. I’m known for my laid back and cool manner but I’m human, and it’s taken it’s toll.

The last few weeks I’ve not wanted to do anything and this culminated on Sunday. In the mid 90’s I was heavily into many bands such as Queen before they were hip, ZZ Top and Ugly Kid Joe amongst others. I’m not fashionable now and I wasn’t then but I don’t care!

This last Sunday I went to see Ugly Kid Joe in town. Yes they’re still going, and no, although I often say I’ll ban everyone, I don’t Hate Everything About You. I had wanted to see them for about the same time as we last won a trophy but I was suffering terribly up top.

To cut a long story short, I forced myself to go and I’m so bloody glad I did. Just an appeal to those who want to hide away - I understand completely but it’s not the thing to do. I piped up to the wife and fulfilled a longstanding dream of mine. And no, Everton don’t help sometimes.

They were boss by the way.

Had a difficult time with myself of late.

Currently low on staff due to various and equally genuine reasons on work, some bereavement, some cancer treatment. Thankfully all is well with my friends there, they just need recovery time.

I’m also doing my masters in Advanced Clinical Practice. I’m known for my laid back and cool manner but I’m human, and it’s taken it’s toll.

The last few weeks I’ve not wanted to do anything and this culminated on Sunday. In the mid 90’s I was heavily into many bands such as Queen before they were hip, ZZ Top and Ugly Kid Joe amongst others. I’m not fashionable now and I wasn’t then but I don’t care!

This last Sunday I went to see Ugly Kid Joe in town. Yes they’re still going, and no, although I often say I’ll ban everyone, I don’t Hate Everything About You. I had wanted to see them for about the same time as we last won a trophy but I was suffering terribly up top.

To cut a long story short, I forced myself to go and I’m so bloody glad I did. Just an appeal to those who want to hide away - I understand completely but it’s not the thing to do. I piped up to the wife and fulfilled a longstanding dream of mine. And no, Everton don’t help sometimes.

They were boss by the way.

Glad you found it a positive experience despite you not being on top form.
Good of you to make a point of highlighting the fact it's not good to lock yourself away when you're feeling low.
I hope the stress in your life eventually fades and best of luck with your masters degree.
This was exactly my point mate.

Don’t hide. Get out there and enjoy life.
I watched the film "The Keeper" last night, it's about Bert Trautman.

Anyhow, a line in the film struck home. Asked why dancing (and I'd add going to such a gig etc) and football are similar the reply came "it's because you're in the moment". I thought it a poignant remark.


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