Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I'm going to try and go the hospital tomorrow for that crisis team . Not left the house in pretty much 2 weeks other than for booze although not had a drink today . Barely left my pit since Sunday morning


Stopped taking my anti depressants last week

I've had help in the last few months but the last 2 weeks has hit my bad I don't even know why. Not even had the TV on since Saturday

Thanks for the advice
This is extremely positive and you have the full support of thousands of blues on here. They won't all post in here but they read. Like the esk said, many a blue will cast a thought your way today and wish you good luck.

Hopefully you log on today. You're in it for the long road and we're all right behind you.
There was a documentary on Channel 4 a few weeks ago called Stranger on the Bridge. (Dont know if it got a mention on this thread at the time, I havent read all of it) Was about a guy who got talked down from killing himself on Waterloo Bridge by a complete stranger and was trying to find him to thank him. I actually thought the hardest part to watch was when he met a woman who's twin brother had killed himself without ever leaving a note or explaining to anyone how he was feeling or why he did it. So she had suffered from issues herself and beaten herself up for years asking why he did it, and was there anything she could have done to stop it from happening, and was there something she did wrong for him to never confide in her.

I think thats the key thing to try and remember. No matter how worthless you think you are, you mean the world to someone. Dont do that to yourself or to them.
I'm going to try and go the hospital tomorrow for that crisis team . Not left the house in pretty much 2 weeks other than for booze although not had a drink today . Barely left my pit since Sunday morning


Stopped taking my anti depressants last week

I've had help in the last few months but the last 2 weeks has hit my bad I don't even know why. Not even had the TV on since Saturday

Thanks for the advice
I'm glad your going to get help, well done to yourself there. That's the hardest step.

In future mate, try not to come off the anti-depressants without speaking to a doctor first. Some usually have to be titrated down through lower does before stopping altogether. The withdrawal from these may be the reason for your recent frame of mind.

But well done mate, good luck, and keep us informed.


Betrayal is like red bull plus. You just cannot sleep well even taking sleeping pills. I guess only time will wash those memory away, slowly.
You can't just stop the meds cold turkey. I can promise stoping like that can (for some people) cause major thoughts of suicide. Take care man and we hope to hear from you soon.

You can't just stop the meds cold turkey. I can promise stoping like that can (for some people) cause major thoughts of suicide. Take care man and we hope to hear from you soon.

If you find that your mood is improving, it's usually because of the medication rather than in spite of it, so if you take the meds away in an instant, your gonna see a drastic and sudden downturn in mood.

That's not to say that it'll be lifelong medication, but if it's helping you now, then stick with it for the time being.
Life bores me and I know I've made a mess of mine .
We can't go back, only forward. Life is what it is and regardless of how you got here, here is where you're at.

The anti depressants aren't a fix, but a means to an end. If you broke a leg, you use a crutch to get around. If you broke an arm, you'd use a sling. Consider you have a small break somewhere in your 'person', the anti depressants are the crutch for your well being. Use them to assist the healing.

You have 100% anonymity here and 100% of our support. What's done is done, but you have our full attention & support on your journey from here.

You are not alone.
I am an infrequent visitor in here. Others have far more to offer in the way of advice and stuff. But it is an incredible read when I do. Truly inspirational.

Seeing folk in here who you normally see bouncing around the threads and talking the normal GOT nonsense, taking time to offer support, sympathy, and, at times, practical advice and personal experiences of the most private sort, is just awesome.

Thanks to you all.
We can't go back, only forward. Life is what it is and regardless of how you got here, here is where you're at.

The anti depressants aren't a fix, but a means to an end. If you broke a leg, you use a crutch to get around. If you broke an arm, you'd use a sling. Consider you have a small break somewhere in your 'person', the anti depressants are the crutch for your well being. Use them to assist the healing.

You have 100% anonymity here and 100% of our support. What's done is done, but you have our full attention & support on your journey from here.

You are not alone.

An imaginary plus 10 for that mate .

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