Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Just finished watching that Professor Green programme. One thing everyone should take out of it is men do tend to hide things away, not talk about things that worry them and see it as a sign of weakness if they did have to admit they are struggling with something and open up. I'm exactly like that but that once or twice in your life when you do admit you're finding it hard and you may shed a tear or two, you do actually feel much better and feel like a weight is lifted by sharing your feelings. So you worry about being weak but when you do share things that are bothering then you never actually feel weak at all, just relief.
Just finished watching that Professor Green programme. One thing everyone should take out of it is men do tend to hide things away, not talk about things that worry them and see it as a sign of weakness if they did have to admit they are struggling with something and open up. I'm exactly like that but that once or twice in your life when you do admit you're finding it hard and you may shed a tear or two, you do actually feel much better and feel like a weight is lifted by sharing your feelings. So you worry about being weak but when you do share things that are bothering then you never actually feel weak at all, just relief.

100%. I've only recently come to terms that I get serious anxiety from time to time. Took me ages to work up the courage to see a doctor, was afraid of admitting that I was really suffering from it. That night, after seeing the doctor though and him being in agreement with meds etc, I actually broke down in relief. Keeping it bottled up was making it so worse.
First & foremost, you need to recover from whatever your ailment is. Let other people think what they want, you can't change that, but you can surprise them when they meet the real you.

Don't let the 'false pretence' become your definition. As long as you know the true you, you can bring it out slowly as you recover and everyone else will catch up as they see the real you emerge.


Try to look at it from a different angle mate :

If your leg is broken, you're in plaster and on crutches, everyone can see that your leg is broken due to the cast and the crutches.

If your head is broken, how do people know, they can't see inside your head - there lies the problem with mental illness.

By worrying what other people think, you are at best adding to your already anxious state. At worst making your depression / anxiety worse.

I have been exactly where you are now and in the end I thought f*** it, I'm going to come out and tell everyone that I'm not well. The reaction of some of those around me was similar to what you've described, but also my closest mates told me that they knew already and it was cool. Plus one mate told me in confidence that he'd sufferered from anxiety problems for years and he was being treated it, but asked me not to tell anyone. ( stigma )

What's the difference between a broken leg and a broken head ?. There's no difference other than the stigma that's attached to mental illness.

Get it out in the open mate. Your proper mates will support you and remain your friends. Those who don't, weren't actually really your mates so let them go. I know it's easier said than done, but once it's out in the open you won't have to worry about what people think anymore as they'll all know.

Don't be ashamed mate of what's wrong with you mate, a mental illness is the same as any other type of illness.

Cheers fellas, you can never know just how much reading that stopped a complete relapse, which i was on the verge of.

Just to say, I've been working away so I'm spending alot of time alone with my thoughts, never a good thing.
I've got a cousin who I spoke to who's into all that fitness lark, he put me onto his mate, a personal trainer and I've been having a few sessions. Really nice kid, boss gym no egos at all.

So again, to all who contribute on here, cheers
it really wouldnt be hard to believe that way too many men go through life without actually ever having a conversation on how they feel would it? not to me anyway. think that was mentioned

even though i'm part of a younger generation that is said to be much more open, i find it very difficult to have personal conversations and open up. i even hesitated retweeting that professor green docu on twitter because i thought 'what if my mates think i'm suicidal'... really daft.

i liken the detrimental effect to wearing a rucksack all day, every day, as gradually more and more stresses and worries get added. A breakdown is inevitable and no-one should be expected to carry the heavy load life sometimes throws at you with no respite or help.

it's why this thread is great btw ;) if every workplace, school and home could create an encouraging and safe space like it, the world would be such a happier place.
Cheers fellas, you can never know just how much reading that stopped a complete relapse, which i was on the verge of.

Just to say, I've been working away so I'm spending alot of time alone with my thoughts, never a good thing.
I've got a cousin who I spoke to who's into all that fitness lark, he put me onto his mate, a personal trainer and I've been having a few sessions. Really nice kid, boss gym no egos at all.

So again, to all who contribute on here, cheers
I'm glad it's helped.

100%. I've only recently come to terms that I get serious anxiety from time to time. Took me ages to work up the courage to see a doctor, was afraid of admitting that I was really suffering from it. That night, after seeing the doctor though and him being in agreement with meds etc, I actually broke down in relief. Keeping it bottled up was making it so worse.

Mate if you ever have any issues with your anxiety problems don't hesitate to PM me. Unfortunately I am a veteran and as such have been through the system. If your GP has prescribed anything ending in " pam " as in Tamazepam etc you should only have a short course 2 - 3 wks. These drugs are Benzodiazopines and are habit forming and shouldn't be taken for any length of time.
Mate if you ever have any issues with your anxiety problems don't hesitate to PM me. Unfortunately I am a veteran and as such have been through the system. If your GP has prescribed anything ending in " pam " as in Tamazepam etc you should only have a short course 2 - 3 wks. These drugs are Benzodiazopines and are habit forming and shouldn't be taken for any length of time.

Cheers mate. It's been something completely new to me, I don't think anybody I know would expect me to have problems with it. I think the most worrying thing about it all is the chest pains it causes. Absolute meltdown material.
100%. I've only recently come to terms that I get serious anxiety from time to time. Took me ages to work up the courage to see a doctor, was afraid of admitting that I was really suffering from it. That night, after seeing the doctor though and him being in agreement with meds etc, I actually broke down in relief. Keeping it bottled up was making it so worse.
You were very strong realising you needed help and doing something about it.
Hope you get sorted mate
Cheers mate. It's been something completely new to me, I don't think anybody I know would expect me to have problems with it. I think the most worrying thing about it all is the chest pains it causes. Absolute meltdown material.

It can happen to the most happy go lucky, carefree person mate. Anxiety seems to be the poor relation of depression as far as the medical proffesion seems to be concerned. I've learnt to recognise when a bad attack is coming and then put coping strategies in place to deal with it. It taken me a long time to get there though. One of the things that really helps me is coming on here as it makes me realise that I'm not alone and also by being able to share with others helps me keep things in perspective too.

Ps - what kicked yours off ?. Anxiety normally creeps up on you due to something that's happened / happening ?

Life became unexpectedly better for me in the last week or so. Not to say I'm not still prone to down periods and stuff like that, but it's looking a lot brighter for me currently.

Hope and wish everyone's on the up as well!

Made up to hear that mate, always good to hear some positive news on here. Keep up the good work my man ;)
Life became unexpectedly better for me in the last week or so. Not to say I'm not still prone to down periods and stuff like that, but it's looking a lot brighter for me currently.

Hope and wish everyone's on the up as well!

Fantastic mate, perseverance is key to success in all aspects of life. You just have to keep going when in the bad times as you never know when the good times are going to arrive.

Keep looking, keep striving and never, ever give up and eventually sooner or later you will find what you are looking for.
Clearly adding me on facebook has been a revelation for you then :p
Hahahaha, clearly!
Fantastic mate, perseverance is key to success in all aspects of life. You just have to keep going when in the bad times as you never know when the good times are going to arrive.

Keep looking, keep striving and never, ever give up and eventually sooner or later you will find what you are looking for.
Exactly this really. Everything just sort of fell into place a few days ago... Now I have to make myself feel good in the obvious new (work) environment for the next 2 months and just try to keep feeling good in general!

This thread and the people here definitely help though ;)

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