Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I can only echo what the others have said mate. You've probably done one of the hardest things you've ever had to do in your life by telling your Dad about your illness . If you couple that with not being well either, it requires an amazing amount of inner strength to do what you've just done, so give yourself a massive pat on the back.

You've taken an enormous step to get better by getting it out in the open mate and hopefully your GP can be a big help too. Remember if you aren't happy with what the GP says, you can ask to see another. GP's are like everyone in life, some are good, some are bad and some are indifferent.

I can also recommend a wonderful NHS site for your self confidence / depression problems relating to those issues from a decade a go - THE MENTAL HEALTH FORUM.

It's an online community of people who suffer from every mental illness you can think of and more. I am sure there will be others on there that walk in your shoes mate.

Keep posting and let everyone know how you're getting on. Remember never ever be ashamed of being ill mate, it's no different in reality than you breaking your leg, it's just that your heads broken at the moment and needs fixing.

Will certainly check that forum out. In a funny sort of way I'm glad to be opening up about the problems, felt like a huge weight off the shoulders. Telling my old man and my sister was the easy part though, not told my mother or her partner yet.
Evening all, still check this thread regularly . I think it just helps to know u are far from the only average bloke to be experiencing stuff like this. Anyway, I am on session 3 of CBT for, what I am told is, major anxiety with mild depression. It's helping, the therapist has explained the science behind it and for those out there with similar, google rationale emotive therapy (RET). I now try and analyse my thoughts a lot more when I have an initial worry/panic/anger outburst before things start twirling round my head and I get completely on edge and thinking the worst about everything. Getting back to healthy eating and proper excercise is definitely having a positive effect too. I still have the anti depressants I was prescribed but I am hoping I can conquer (or maybe just manage) without for now. Keep posting all, as Bob Hoskins (god rest his gruff cockney soul) once said, 'it's good to talk' (or in this case type!!)
Evening all, still check this thread regularly . I think it just helps to know u are far from the only average bloke to be experiencing stuff like this. Anyway, I am on session 3 of CBT for, what I am told is, major anxiety with mild depression. It's helping, the therapist has explained the science behind it and for those out there with similar, google rationale emotive therapy (RET). I now try and analyse my thoughts a lot more when I have an initial worry/panic/anger outburst before things start twirling round my head and I get completely on edge and thinking the worst about everything. Getting back to healthy eating and proper excercise is definitely having a positive effect too. I still have the anti depressants I was prescribed but I am hoping I can conquer (or maybe just manage) without for now. Keep posting all, as Bob Hoskins (god rest his gruff cockney soul) once said, 'it's good to talk' (or in this case type!!)

There's no quick fix mate, it's about what's right for you. " Talking " however you do it, whether on here or with a therapist is all part of hopefully getting better . Keep posting ;)
Will certainly check that forum out. In a funny sort of way I'm glad to be opening up about the problems, felt like a huge weight off the shoulders. Telling my old man and my sister was the easy part though, not told my mother or her partner yet.

One step at a time mate, tell her when your good and ready. I'm sure she will want to support and help you.

I've shared my anxiety problems on here in the past, and plenty were supportive which is excellent. It improved quite a lot for a while, and has been going well up until the last few weeks.

You know when the things you should enjoy most end up being the very things which are contributing to your low mood? New dog; ends up biting you constantly and stresses you out. Girlfriend; overseas for long periods and causes you stress, constantly having to reassure her about distance etc. Starting a course to become a nurse; constant workload which is stressful enough ignoring the fact you don't get paid and have to work a side job...among other factors...the list unfortunately goes on.

Feel really low at the minute and something feels like it's got to give, whether it's the dog, the partner or the course, or all 3.
I've shared my anxiety problems on here in the past, and plenty were supportive which is excellent. It improved quite a lot for a while, and has been going well up until the last few weeks.

You know when the things you should enjoy most end up being the very things which are contributing to your low mood? New dog; ends up biting you constantly and stresses you out. Girlfriend; overseas for long periods and causes you stress, constantly having to reassure her about distance etc. Starting a course to become a nurse; constant workload which is stressful enough with the other factors...the list unfortunately goes on.

Feel really low at the minute and something feels like it's got to give, whether it's the dog, the partner or the course, or all 3.
What did you do that worked so well in the past? Maybe try that first before " something has to give" from that list you mentioned?
You know you can improve..and have so much going on there worth it in your life I feel.
2nd overnight stay in hospital in 10 days . 1st one down to drink due to depression and constant migraines . Now an accidental overdose due to taking the wrong tablets and too many off them for these head aches.

Gutted today is chippy day as well.
2nd overnight stay in hospital in 10 days . 1st one down to drink due to depression and constant migraines . Now an accidental overdose due to taking the wrong tablets and too many off them for these head aches.

Gutted today is chippy day as well.

Sorry to read this mate, I thought things were looking up for you. Can only wish you the best and of course you know everyone on here will give as much support as we can.

Sorry to read this mate, I thought things were looking up for you. Can only wish you the best and of course you know everyone on here will give as much support as we can.
I'm more annoyed I'm wasting the hospitals time than anything . I'm only here because a mental health worker has pointed out I'm taking the wrong combination of tablets (and far too many) otherwise I'd still be munching them unaware .

Hopefully now my gp will take these head aches more serious and send me for a scan.

Worse things happen
What did you do that worked so well in the past? Maybe try that first before " something has to give" from that list you mentioned?
You know you can improve..and have so much going on there worth it in your life I feel.

Indeed. Just hard to see it sometimes when it all gets on top of you. I'm sure tons of people experience the same.
I'm more annoyed I'm wasting the hospitals time than anything . I'm only here because a mental health worker has pointed out I'm taking the wrong combination of tablets (and far too many) otherwise I'd still be munching them unaware .

Hopefully now my gp will take these head aches more serious and send me for a scan.

Worse things happen

OK mate, look after yourself...

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