Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Cheers all. I have seen a doctor already about my depression back in 2008 and it hasn't really gone away, and my lack of confidence harks back to school bullying due to my facial appearance which although corrected a decade ago the psychological scars are still there, not helped by things that have happened over those ten years, and a realisation that my life sucks.
Opened up to the old man about my mental health tonight. My self-confidence is shot and I'm depressed. Have made an appointment to see a GP and hoping for a referral.

Would a tip on a horse cheer you up mate?

Honestly though, well in for making the appointment, you'll feel a whole load better for blurting it all out and getting it off your chest.

Cheers all. I have seen a doctor already about my depression back in 2008 and it hasn't really gone away, and my lack of confidence harks back to school bullying due to my facial appearance which although corrected a decade ago the psychological scars are still there, not helped by things that have happened over those ten years, and a realisation that my life sucks.

Having a rare good week at the moment so I want to contribute, a decade is a long time in anyone's book but in mental health terms its an age. I lost confidence in every aspect of my life. But that little step I made by telling one person who got it, got the ball rolling for me. You've gone another step here, whether you realise or not, by actually revealing the source of the sickness, something I still cant really express myself, lid your strong, I admire what your doing, I wish you the best.
I had been treated in 04 but it wasn't what I needed at the time left it for years and ended up with literally nothing.
Keep at it, you've got the right mentality
Having a rare good week at the moment so I want to contribute, a decade is a long time in anyone's book but in mental health terms its an age. I lost confidence in every aspect of my life. But that little step I made by telling one person who got it, got the ball rolling for me. You've gone another step here, whether you realise or not, by actually revealing the source of the sickness, something I still cant really express myself, lid your strong, I admire what your doing, I wish you the best.
I had been treated in 04 but it wasn't what I needed at the time left it for years and ended up with literally nothing.
Keep at it, you've got the right mentality

Cheers lid. It certainly helps me talking about it on here, especially with those who have gone through similar.
Opened up to the old man about my mental health tonight. My self-confidence is shot and I'm depressed. Have made an appointment to see a GP and hoping for a referral.

I can only echo what the others have said mate. You've probably done one of the hardest things you've ever had to do in your life by telling your Dad about your illness . If you couple that with not being well either, it requires an amazing amount of inner strength to do what you've just done, so give yourself a massive pat on the back.

You've taken an enormous step to get better by getting it out in the open mate and hopefully your GP can be a big help too. Remember if you aren't happy with what the GP says, you can ask to see another. GP's are like everyone in life, some are good, some are bad and some are indifferent.

I can also recommend a wonderful NHS site for your self confidence / depression problems relating to those issues from a decade a go - THE MENTAL HEALTH FORUM.

It's an online community of people who suffer from every mental illness you can think of and more. I am sure there will be others on there that walk in your shoes mate.

Keep posting and let everyone know how you're getting on. Remember never ever be ashamed of being ill mate, it's no different in reality than you breaking your leg, it's just that your heads broken at the moment and needs fixing.

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