Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

It truly can be hard to relax with those types of worries on your mind but annoyingly that very rest can help you deal with the stresses easier - our bodies don't always help us out do they?!

You sound like you are doing a great job juggling it all mate, hope this rough patch eases soon.
thing is I don't think i'm doing a good job. l know nobody has the answer to everything but it causes probs with my wife when I can't say what she wants to hear she just thinks I don't care

thing is I don't think i'm doing a good job. l know nobody has the answer to everything but it causes probs with my wife when I can't say what she wants to hear she just thinks I don't care
Have you explained that to her? Both the pressure you feel to solve the problems and that you feel she thinks you don't care if you can't? Not in a judgemental way but just clarifying that is how you feel?
can't say too much but she has her problems which I have accepted so that's why i'm still with her.
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate mate, just try and take it day by day and cut yourself some slack.

I can sometimes get overstressed and think that everything is my job to fix and yet often when I step back and let some of the little things go they seem to get sorted out somehow and I later wonder wtf I was worrying so much about them for!

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate mate, just try and take it day by day and cut yourself some slack.

I can sometimes get overstressed and think that everything is my job to fix and yet often when I step back and let some of the little things go they seem to get sorted out somehow and I later wonder wtf I was worrying so much about them for!
I yearn for those days lol
this is what I love about this thread. when I feel like this I can just relay my feelings in words and it doesn't matter if anyone replies or comments ( yeah right lol) but it's better than just rolling about in my head feeling sorry for myself.

A friend of mine lost his dog the other week. That not might sound like a huge thing considering what you're going through, but it was just him and the pooch for almost ten years so he was understandably devestated. He's had an on-off history of mental illness and was worried about being alone, so he stayed at my place for several days. All the while, he kept apologising for not being able to stop talking about how sad he was, how lonely, how unhappy he was even before his dog died. He'd say some dark, morbid things then immediately apologise for how silly they sounded. I found myself saying the same thing over and over: just keep saying things and then we can decide if they're silly or sensible.

I think this is sort of the point, really, of talking: take difficult emotions and put words to them, turn them into sentences. Hear them out loud, read them over, and see how other people respond to them. Keeping them unformed in your head means you never get to understand them as you might if you try to explain them.
going to sound like a not nice person now. as I'm typing I thought at least all these problems are taking away my personal problems.
Sounds like a fairly standard human reaction tbh, for example some people throw themselves into a particular charity to distract them from brooding over their own issues. It doesn't invalidate their efforts on behalf of the charity or the genuine caring behind it, just means that everyone benefits.

Your help is closer to home but you shouldn't feel guilty for allowing it to distract you as you clearly would prefer these things not to be happening to your family, you are just seeing the silver lining in a particular dark cloud - and that is a very useful skill to have.

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