Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Hello pal, sorry for the late reply, im quite a sporadic user of the site so only just read your post. What, in your opinion is the best way to deal with rumination? Its something i think i suffer with but dont know where to start with it. Im currently seeing a therapist and very recently started taking Prozac, am i on the right track, as i say, in your opinion?
You've got two courses of treatment on the go, I'd say you're on the right track yes.
I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.
I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.
hope all goes well mate, good luck .
I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.

Keep strong mate, and there's never going to be a problem posting about any health problem. If posting here helps, please continue. Wow, has it really been a year since you brother's passing? I can clearly recall you posting about it.

You know the whole of the GOT community will be thinking of you, and hopes this latest medical news has the best possible outcome.

Hello pal, sorry for the late reply, im quite a sporadic user of the site so only just read your post. What, in your opinion is the best way to deal with rumination? Its something i think i suffer with but dont know where to start with it. Im currently seeing a therapist and very recently started taking Prozac, am i on the right track, as i say, in your opinion?

Get as busy as you can with work. Family. Exercise. Computer games. Other activities. (provided none of these are the cause).

Tire yourself out as much as you can by being and keeping busy.

Do not give yourself time to engage on pointless rumination.

If you're in a negative environment causing depression (abuse. bullying. lack of progress). Get yourself out of it.

Be positive. Be busy. Do not give yourself time to feel down.

I feel furious about what happened to me. I still have moments where I still am as you saw. But I keep myself so busy and I come on here to be surrounded by sound blues. Who generally are up for a laugh and are good humoured (@MoutsGoat @The Esk @Neiler etc). So 95% of the time its not the issue it once was.

Even the ones I don't like or don't like me are secretly sound (@RFUS I used to terror on here about Owen Coyle). It also was what the neg system was all about generally. As long not used excessively like some.

Just get out there. Always the best way.

I like a bit of relaxation time too. Always make sure you have quality relaxation to laugh about all the ace things you've been doing so busy.

If you look at it. This is what CBT is all about really.
I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.
Thoughts go out to you. Fingers crossed.
Hello everyone, it's been a little while since I posted in here but a lot has happened with me recently so I thought I'd update.

Started a job 9 months ago and it's been very hellish for me, earlier today I resigned my position with immediate effect and have gone back to job hunting. I have wanted out for a while but haven't had the guts to walk away before now because I was worried I'd spiral without a work routine like I have done previously. I've finally reached the end of my tether though, I can't go on with it. Well I could I suppose but more like I refuse too, it's not worth what it's doing to me. I've been job hunting half-heartedly for something else for the past few months but now I'm giving it my complete attention. I know it's easier to get your foot in the door somewhere else if you're currently employed but for me it's just not worth what I go through every day in there and the horrible gits wouldn't ever give me a reference anyway because they're very spiteful to anyone who leaves.

The stress of the job has caused me to go back onto Citalopram, almost every shift feels like a struggle and I've been left on the verge of a complete breakdown quite a few times now. My sleeping pattern is messed up because of it, my skin has gone all rashy and my hair is falling out a bit so I physically don't look well. Mentally I've been very bad, my worst since my borderline suicidal feelings about 2 years ago. I've kept hoping that if I just grit my teeth and plough on with it would get easier over time only it hasn't, if anything it's gotten worse.

I don't get along with many people in there, the manager is a complete and utter C-word and he has a gang of followers who are up his arse, it's like a wee club that I'm not included in (and I wouldn't want to be either because I'm not that way). The three colleagues I spend the most time with on shift with aren't nice people, one is VERY aggressive in her manner of speaking and very rude to me because she sees me as a walk-over because honestly I've been too timid to stand up to her because of how low I've been feeling. The other is a two-faced snide who spreads vile gossip about everyone else, probably about me behind my back as well. The 3rd is just an Italian lad who barely speaks English and isn't the conversational type. Therefore every day I just go into my shell and become lost in my own thoughts, so much though that everyone in there thinks I'm not someone they should make any effort with even though I want to be liked. I like to think I am a nice person who people can get on with, just I've been withdrawing into myself so much as a defence mechanism that they all think I'm a cold fish.

Long-story short, I just feel completely alone in the place and I have severe anxiety attacks regularly therefore I've taken the decision to walk away for the sake of my mental health. I took the job in the first place for that reason, to get to a good place mentally. I am actually very fortunate in the sense that I'm not hard up for money. I still live at home, I have no student loan to pay off and I don't have a kid to provide for and I live pretty basically as well, I rarely spend any money on myself. I have managed to save up enough of my wages to get a good amount in my account so even if I'm out of work again for while at least I'll be okay on that front, like I said I'm very lucky. For a long time I've kept telling myself that if I quit without another job lined up that I'd just be conceding defeat, that I'm just confirming my own fears that I can't cope and that I'm a loser. I used to feel like that at my lowest a few years ago and I've been terrified of going back to that, absolutely terrified. My brother and sister however have spoken to me about how I'm feeling and have helped me feel better about crossing that bridge.

My brother said; "That was then, this is now. It was a different time then, now you're stronger and you've gained experience. Don't be ashamed if you want to walk away, just do what you think is best and then keeping looking forward instead of constantly looking back. Don't put yourself through all that if you really don't have too."

My sister said; "You should have more respect for yourself, the worst you thing you can do is let people think you're a walk-over because they WILL walk all over you. Certain jobs you have to be a bit of a horrible person to survive but you're not a horrible person, it's just not in you. Walk away now and show them you don't need them and won't become like them."

I thought about what they said and everything else over the past few days and have decided to indeed walk away now, my health is what's most important and the job is only hurting me and has been for a while. I have be brave and take action, if something in my life is affecting me that badly then I have to cut it out. I have all the sympathy in the world for anyone who caught in a situation like mine but for a variety of reasons can't just walk away unless they can immediately walk into something else. I am very fortunate to have the situation I have.

Thanks to anyone who has taken to read all of that, long-winded I know but I feel lot a better getting it all off my chest, this thread is wonderfully therapeutic. I will post an update when I have one and any advice or opinions I'd love to hear. :)
Hello everyone, it's been a little while since I posted in here but a lot has happened with me recently so I thought I'd update.

Started a job 9 months ago and it's been very hellish for me, earlier today I resigned my position with immediate effect and have gone back to job hunting. I have wanted out for a while but haven't had the guts to walk away before now because I was worried I'd spiral without a work routine like I have done previously. I've finally reached the end of my tether though, I can't go on with it. Well I could I suppose but more like I refuse too, it's not worth what it's doing to me. I've been job hunting half-heartedly for something else for the past few months but now I'm giving it my complete attention. I know it's easier to get your foot in the door somewhere else if you're currently employed but for me it's just not worth what I go through every day in there and the horrible gits wouldn't ever give me a reference anyway because they're very spiteful to anyone who leaves.

The stress of the job has caused me to go back onto Citalopram, almost every shift feels like a struggle and I've been left on the verge of a complete breakdown quite a few times now. My sleeping pattern is messed up because of it, my skin has gone all rashy and my hair is falling out a bit so I physically don't look well. Mentally I've been very bad, my worst since my borderline suicidal feelings about 2 years ago. I've kept hoping that if I just grit my teeth and plough on with it would get easier over time only it hasn't, if anything it's gotten worse.

I don't get along with many people in there, the manager is a complete and utter C-word and he has a gang of followers who are up his arse, it's like a wee club that I'm not included in (and I wouldn't want to be either because I'm not that way). The three colleagues I spend the most time with on shift with aren't nice people, one is VERY aggressive in her manner of speaking and very rude to me because she sees me as a walk-over because honestly I've been too timid to stand up to her because of how low I've been feeling. The other is a two-faced snide who spreads vile gossip about everyone else, probably about me behind my back as well. The 3rd is just an Italian lad who barely speaks English and isn't the conversational type. Therefore every day I just go into my shell and become lost in my own thoughts, so much though that everyone in there thinks I'm not someone they should make any effort with even though I want to be liked. I like to think I am a nice person who people can get on with, just I've been withdrawing into myself so much as a defence mechanism that they all think I'm a cold fish.

Long-story short, I just feel completely alone in the place and I have severe anxiety attacks regularly therefore I've taken the decision to walk away for the sake of my mental health. I took the job in the first place for that reason, to get to a good place mentally. I am actually very fortunate in the sense that I'm not hard up for money. I still live at home, I have no student loan to pay off and I don't have a kid to provide for and I live pretty basically as well, I rarely spend any money on myself. I have managed to save up enough of my wages to get a good amount in my account so even if I'm out of work again for while at least I'll be okay on that front, like I said I'm very lucky. For a long time I've kept telling myself that if I quit without another job lined up that I'd just be conceding defeat, that I'm just confirming my own fears that I can't cope and that I'm a loser. I used to feel like that at my lowest a few years ago and I've been terrified of going back to that, absolutely terrified. My brother and sister however have spoken to me about how I'm feeling and have helped me feel better about crossing that bridge.

My brother said; "That was then, this is now. It was a different time then, now you're stronger and you've gained experience. Don't be ashamed if you want to walk away, just do what you think is best and then keeping looking forward instead of constantly looking back. Don't put yourself through all that if you really don't have too."

My sister said; "You should have more respect for yourself, the worst you thing you can do is let people think you're a walk-over because they WILL walk all over you. Certain jobs you have to be a bit of a horrible person to survive but you're not a horrible person, it's just not in you. Walk away now and show them you don't need them and won't become like them."

I thought about what they said and everything else over the past few days and have decided to indeed walk away now, my health is what's most important and the job is only hurting me and has been for a while. I have be brave and take action, if something in my life is affecting me that badly then I have to cut it out. I have all the sympathy in the world for anyone who caught in a situation like mine but for a variety of reasons can't just walk away unless they can immediately walk into something else. I am very fortunate to have the situation I have.

Thanks to anyone who has taken to read all of that, long-winded I know but I feel lot a better getting it all off my chest, this thread is wonderfully therapeutic. I will post an update when I have one and any advice or opinions I'd love to hear. :)

First things first. That is an incredible post mate and I can only imagine how long it took to write it.

Secondly, it's taken real guts to walkway from your job, even though as you say are okay financially.

I think the main thing at the moment is to get yourself back to as normal as you can get given the circumstances and almost start again.

Due to the fact that you're okay financially for a bit, why not take a bit of time to decide what you'd really like to do, whatever that may be ?. Even if it involves retraining or a complete change of direction in the job market, maybe even consider voluntary work ?.

Just a few thoughts ?

The main thing is to get yourself better mate .
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First things first. That is an incredible post mate and I can only imagine how long it took to write it.

Secondly, it's taken real guts to walkway from your job, even though as you say are okay financially.

I think the main thing at the moment is to get yourself back to as normal as you can get given the circumstances and almost start again.

Due to the fact that you're okay financially for a bit, why not take a bit of time to decide what you'd really like to do, whatever that may be ?. Even if it involves retraining or a complete change of direction in the job market, maybe even consider voluntary work ?.

Just a few thoughts ?

The main thing is to get yourself better mate .

Thank you mate, It's really appreciated. :)

I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.
Hope all goes well mate..
I always feel a bit awkward posting on here as my problem isn't really depression related. Anyway it does make me feel a bit better getting things out. As some of you might remember I am in my second time of remission from lung cancer. This morning I saw my oncologist for my review and he has found something on my CT scan. He is not sure what it is yet, it is a grey area in a vein near my heart. I won't bore you with all the things he said it could be but they are having a meeting on wed to discuss it. That's the problem, the waiting game. The wife is in bits at the moment fearing the worse as usual. To make things more difficult wed is the 1st anniversary of my brothers death so going to be a tense day. Don't get me wrong i'm not depressed I've lived with my illness for around 3 years now and yes there are times it has got me down a bit hence my posts on here and it does help especially when I see people worse off than me.(I hope that doesn't sound as bad as it looks but it's the best way I can say it). keep up the good work GOT.

Good luck matey
Hello everyone, it's been a little while since I posted in here but a lot has happened with me recently so I thought I'd update.

Started a job 9 months ago and it's been very hellish for me, earlier today I resigned my position with immediate effect and have gone back to job hunting. I have wanted out for a while but haven't had the guts to walk away before now because I was worried I'd spiral without a work routine like I have done previously. I've finally reached the end of my tether though, I can't go on with it. Well I could I suppose but more like I refuse too, it's not worth what it's doing to me. I've been job hunting half-heartedly for something else for the past few months but now I'm giving it my complete attention. I know it's easier to get your foot in the door somewhere else if you're currently employed but for me it's just not worth what I go through every day in there and the horrible gits wouldn't ever give me a reference anyway because they're very spiteful to anyone who leaves.

The stress of the job has caused me to go back onto Citalopram, almost every shift feels like a struggle and I've been left on the verge of a complete breakdown quite a few times now. My sleeping pattern is messed up because of it, my skin has gone all rashy and my hair is falling out a bit so I physically don't look well. Mentally I've been very bad, my worst since my borderline suicidal feelings about 2 years ago. I've kept hoping that if I just grit my teeth and plough on with it would get easier over time only it hasn't, if anything it's gotten worse.

I don't get along with many people in there, the manager is a complete and utter C-word and he has a gang of followers who are up his arse, it's like a wee club that I'm not included in (and I wouldn't want to be either because I'm not that way). The three colleagues I spend the most time with on shift with aren't nice people, one is VERY aggressive in her manner of speaking and very rude to me because she sees me as a walk-over because honestly I've been too timid to stand up to her because of how low I've been feeling. The other is a two-faced snide who spreads vile gossip about everyone else, probably about me behind my back as well. The 3rd is just an Italian lad who barely speaks English and isn't the conversational type. Therefore every day I just go into my shell and become lost in my own thoughts, so much though that everyone in there thinks I'm not someone they should make any effort with even though I want to be liked. I like to think I am a nice person who people can get on with, just I've been withdrawing into myself so much as a defence mechanism that they all think I'm a cold fish.

Long-story short, I just feel completely alone in the place and I have severe anxiety attacks regularly therefore I've taken the decision to walk away for the sake of my mental health. I took the job in the first place for that reason, to get to a good place mentally. I am actually very fortunate in the sense that I'm not hard up for money. I still live at home, I have no student loan to pay off and I don't have a kid to provide for and I live pretty basically as well, I rarely spend any money on myself. I have managed to save up enough of my wages to get a good amount in my account so even if I'm out of work again for while at least I'll be okay on that front, like I said I'm very lucky. For a long time I've kept telling myself that if I quit without another job lined up that I'd just be conceding defeat, that I'm just confirming my own fears that I can't cope and that I'm a loser. I used to feel like that at my lowest a few years ago and I've been terrified of going back to that, absolutely terrified. My brother and sister however have spoken to me about how I'm feeling and have helped me feel better about crossing that bridge.

My brother said; "That was then, this is now. It was a different time then, now you're stronger and you've gained experience. Don't be ashamed if you want to walk away, just do what you think is best and then keeping looking forward instead of constantly looking back. Don't put yourself through all that if you really don't have too."

My sister said; "You should have more respect for yourself, the worst you thing you can do is let people think you're a walk-over because they WILL walk all over you. Certain jobs you have to be a bit of a horrible person to survive but you're not a horrible person, it's just not in you. Walk away now and show them you don't need them and won't become like them."

I thought about what they said and everything else over the past few days and have decided to indeed walk away now, my health is what's most important and the job is only hurting me and has been for a while. I have be brave and take action, if something in my life is affecting me that badly then I have to cut it out. I have all the sympathy in the world for anyone who caught in a situation like mine but for a variety of reasons can't just walk away unless they can immediately walk into something else. I am very fortunate to have the situation I have.

Thanks to anyone who has taken to read all of that, long-winded I know but I feel lot a better getting it all off my chest, this thread is wonderfully therapeutic. I will post an update when I have one and any advice or opinions I'd love to hear. :)
Hi mate I have utmost sympathy and understanding to an extent at what you have gone through.
I have just moved jobs ( won't bore you with the details), and for me it has been a saving grace as simply I was bullied to a n extent were it affected my health. People who know me wouldn't believe me, as I am not a person who you would think could be bullied. The bullying I received was so subtle and over so many stages that by the time I recognised it, it was all too late the damage was done. My self esteem, confidence and also my belief in my value to the Company was wiped clear, I felt useless and was questioning myself in everything I was undertaking. I look back at why did he do this to me and there are few pointers but I guess the main one was when I had to give evidence against him for a grievance that had been raised against him. I had witnessed basically the crucifying of a colleague in a meeting, this grown man looked at breaking point and even when I tried to reign the manager in he told me to shut up or leave the room....I declined and stayed in. After this meeting the bullying continued and the end result was the colleague collapsed in the car park with a minor stroke( may not of been related to the bullying) The evidence I gave was what had happened in the meeting, and the effect it had on my colleague on the day...basically the truth. There were other occasions this had happened were other people had witnessed similar events.....sadly they passed the opportunity to give evidence.
I look back and I know I done the right thing and I know I was the bigger person, what I don't expect was this calculated and premeditated attack on me.
I have always looked at myself as a confident and likeable person. I seen people who I thought I could rely on pick sides. I watched certain parts of my role taken off me and passed to other members of the team and found I wasn't being invited to meetings that I should of been. The end result was I went off work for around 6 weeks and went to counselling, it was most probably one of the best things I done. In the counselling she reinforced the areas I should concentrate my attentions....simply family and friends. She also reminded me that I am a great person who actually cares about people around me, and this is something I shouldn't forget and feel proud of.
I start my new job tomorrow, same Company but completely new area. I am nervous in starting as my fear is will I trust my new manager and the new team. I keep telling myself I shouldn't judge everybody from my previous managers attitudes and treatment.
After reading your post I think if you have the finances take a little time out, BUT don't take too long as you need to get back on that horse. I am sure when you start somewhere else you will feel fragile, as you will still have that sour taste in your mouth from your last job.
My best advice is go in with an open mind and give it a little time, most people are good honest people, it is only a small percentage that are c****.

I hope all goes well for you mate....just remember your own values,strengths and personality and you will find a job with the right people who will appreciate you..

Finger aching now:)
Hi mate I have utmost sympathy and understanding to an extent at what you have gone through.
I have just moved jobs ( won't bore you with the details), and for me it has been a saving grace as simply I was bullied to a n extent were it affected my health. People who know me wouldn't believe me, as I am not a person who you would think could be bullied. The bullying I received was so subtle and over so many stages that by the time I recognised it, it was all too late the damage was done. My self esteem, confidence and also my belief in my value to the Company was wiped clear, I felt useless and was questioning myself in everything I was undertaking. I look back at why did he do this to me and there are few pointers but I guess the main one was when I had to give evidence against him for a grievance that had been raised against him. I had witnessed basically the crucifying of a colleague in a meeting, this grown man looked at breaking point and even when I tried to reign the manager in he told me to shut up or leave the room....I declined and stayed in. After this meeting the bullying continued and the end result was the colleague collapsed in the car park with a minor stroke( may not of been related to the bullying) The evidence I gave was what had happened in the meeting, and the effect it had on my colleague on the day...basically the truth. There were other occasions this had happened were other people had witnessed similar events.....sadly they passed the opportunity to give evidence.
I look back and I know I done the right thing and I know I was the bigger person, what I don't expect was this calculated and premeditated attack on me.
I have always looked at myself as a confident and likeable person. I seen people who I thought I could rely on pick sides. I watched certain parts of my role taken off me and passed to other members of the team and found I wasn't being invited to meetings that I should of been. The end result was I went off work for around 6 weeks and went to counselling, it was most probably one of the best things I done. In the counselling she reinforced the areas I should concentrate my attentions....simply family and friends. She also reminded me that I am a great person who actually cares about people around me, and this is something I shouldn't forget and feel proud of.
I start my new job tomorrow, same Company but completely new area. I am nervous in starting as my fear is will I trust my new manager and the new team. I keep telling myself I shouldn't judge everybody from my previous managers attitudes and treatment.
After reading your post I think if you have the finances take a little time out, BUT don't take too long as you need to get back on that horse. I am sure when you start somewhere else you will feel fragile, as you will still have that sour taste in your mouth from your last job.
My best advice is go in with an open mind and give it a little time, most people are good honest people, it is only a small percentage that are c****.

I hope all goes well for you mate....just remember your own values,strengths and personality and you will find a job with the right people who will appreciate you..

Finger aching now:)

Thanks so much, it's good to hear from others who've had similar experiences and to get some advice.

My main grievances with my work is that it's like a clique in there, everyone is so two-faced and I often feel uncomfortable because I'm worried people are talking about me behind my back. I am not naive to think that this doesn't happen to some extent in virtually all workplaces, it's rare that you'll have a manager who you genuinely like and get on with and even rarer for a manager not to favor the workers who suck up to him/her. The place though had gotten to the point of being a complete joke and I feel like I'm one of the punch-lines.

I got the job through a friend (well, more just a person I knew from college previously who I got on with but hadn't seen much of since). What I didn't know is he only recommended that I apply because that the place was chronically understaffed and they were practically giving jobs away. Since working there I've come realise what the difference between a true friend who has your back in tough situations and a person you just know and tend to get on with is. This person I've found out is more the latter. We don't socialise outside of work at all, he has snitched to the foreskin of a manager about me over trivial things and would in a heartbeat put his job over supposed friendship. I've realised that although I do generally like and have time for him, if I didn't work with him he wouldn't have any time for me like previously, we went our separate ways after college and only spoke very sporadically.

To confirm it all after I quit this morning and he was informed he has taken it very much to heart because I've decided to go all of a sudden and is clearly siding with the manager. Giving me a whole load of;

"You've really disappointed me, why have you kept this secret and then just dropped the store in the s*** like this?!

Felt like saying to him;

"Lad, I don't give a s**te about if this has left the manager and the place in the lurch, this is a horrible place that has caused me serious mental health issues over the past few months. Maybe if this was a nicer working enviroment and everyone was not so horrible to another behind their backs then I wouldn't be leaving?"

I don't imagine we'll really speak again now, we go to the same gym but I imagine he'll blank me. I'm not arsed, I've been a member there longer than him and I'm not going somewhere else to avoid him. Good luck to him, I bare no ill-will towards or any of the other people there really, not even the manager. I just don't want them in my life moving forward.
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