having a bit of an very unexpected rough go of things atm. I had been in a bad patch for quite some time since the new year but managed to get a job interview about a month ago or so ago. I was nervous but very excited about it, the interview went well and I got the job. I thought managing to get a full time position in the field I studied in would be just the thing to give me a lift. However as the new employee orientation went on I got a bit concerned which is where some more back story comes in.
I have been dealing with depression since midway through highschool/(whatever is right before Uni in europe) and went to Uni with no idea what field I was looking to study but took a few psych classes early on and loved it, plus I felt I hated how I felt dealing with a mental illness so I thought it'd be good to go into that field and try to help others who are going through similar. That's where I think I've made a mistake.
The job I got was working at a psychiatric hospital and it seems to be a very poor fit considering my own issues. I feel massively anxious the entire time I'm there which is a feeling I've never had before (despite the long term depression I've never had any general anxiety). I talked to my supervisor and a guy from HR about it and they were understanding about it all (asking if there's anything they can do on their end) and were honest about it sometimes not being for everyone ( the HR guy actually studied psych as well but ended up doing HR for the city for a long time before coming to the hospital). They just said if my feeling of unease/anxiety is coming from personal issues that it's up to me to decide if it's something I can adjust to or overcome and to take my time and keep them updated.
I just don't know what to do as if I leave I'll basically be admitting I wasted 4 years. As of right now I'm planning to keep showing up for a week or so just to be certain it's not "new job/place" anxiety although I don't think is as I've had new unfamiliar jobs in the past and this is a totally different feeling.
I don't know your age but would guess at 20's, without being a smart A let me give you the benefit of perspective.
I was 45 and recently made redundant, I got a few bob but nothing life changing in a big way, call it 6mths money, anyway we went to NZ and things were a bit of a struggle, I had the chance to train for a better job but didn't, I stupidly thought I was too old and by the time I was up to speed I would be nearly 50...so I didn't bother... what a 'kin waste
Short version; take the long view.
PS; I re emigrated at age 60 to Australia and made more money in 5yrs than I ever did in15 in NZ
moral; you're a long time dead, stop worrying about it, get on and live life one day at a time.
not exactly the official gospel, but sometimes you have to just get on with it. It will work out, time is on your side