Sorry, I hadn't noticed you asked. I haven't gone through this whole thread, I just jumped on a week ago and float in and out. Haven't done that 'introduce yourself' thread either.
I'm all clear now anyway mate, I had it roughly 10-11 years ago now when I was 19/20 in the fire brigade. I can still answer questions for you though, I don't mind. I was only a firefighter for a few months, I managed to get into the service down in Derbyshire and moved down there for the job. I had a random checkup with occupational health one day and he had a feel of my throat as they do and said, 'what's that?'. I had a lump in my throat which had been there for years. I got stung by a wasp below my Adam's apple as a child (it was in a balaclava), and I had always assumed the lump had been an after effect from that meaning I never got it checked. He booked me in for an immediate biopsy which give us the big C answer.
That was followed by me having to leave the service to have 2 operations and a round of therapy back in the Royal so I could be looked after by family. I've pretty much involuntarily blocked out the two years that followed from my memory but I remember missing Christmas because I was radio active and I had pregnant family members so that was a no-no. And I remember being in the hospital during the radio treatment because my family had to wear full on white containment suits to come in the same room as me. The nurse would only come as far as the door and physically THROW a sandwich to me like a pet they kept in the attic.
I also remember the day I stopped donating to Marie curie and vowed to never buy another Renault. As I wasn't working, and hadn't been with the fire station long enough for them to be paying me, and my girlfriend of 2 years had to look after me, we had incredibly low income. I had bought a brand new Clio to get us to and from Derbyshire in a bit more comfort than my 1.1L body kitted Saxo (yes, full kit, bright yellow, silly exhaust, blue neons underneath. Feel free to laugh, it was the fast and the furious era ), yet when I called them to explain the situation, pleading for them to take the 2 month from showroom car back and pausing payments until I was out of hospital, they didn't even consider it. We were looking in trouser pockets for a few coins to buy a loaf or milk. We asked for help from them, expecting compliance, yet they turned me away instantly due to the cancer not being 'currently life threatening'.
We went to the CAB and the result was me declaring bankruptcy. That was the biggest effect on my life from the whole illness. It took until just over a year ago to get back straight and buy a house, but you deal the cards you're dealt. Unfortunately, because the car was in my name, I had the majority of the debt. My girlfriend, who after two years of being together had also taken out a loan/credit card or two to get us by, didn't have as much debt as me, not enough for bankruptcy to be an option, is still struggling to get credit. She can't even get a phone because after a year or so, they just sell the debt on to someone else so it shows up again and again, even though it's coming down slowly. Also, for those interested, she has obviously been my rock from the start. We are still together and are currently finalizing a few tiny bits for our wedding in October
And back to the original point of me posting on this thread. Yes I've been through a lot, and yes I'm better off and healthier than I've ever been. I'm fit, regularly boxing (as you can see from my avatar), have a nice car and a nice house, both in my opinion. But when I have bad days, none of this means anything. The fact that I have these, mostly superficial things, are things that one should be happy and grateful to have, is lost on me. If someone says they are depressed, the second person gives them a cheque for £1M, and they suddenly feel better. That's not depression, that's someone worried about money. It's not a choice.
I've completely lost my train of thought here, and I sincerely apologies for the lack of formatting above. I planned on writing a paragraph at most, but got carried away as usual. I'm too tired to go back and fix it now
Any other questions, feel free to ask. It's not a sore subject for me anymore.