Titus Bramble
Best centre half to grace the Premier League
Reality of moving from the school I've been at for 6 years has finally set in. Got a promotion, and excited about the challenge, but I'm leaving some amazing friends behind and I won't be able to make the same attachments to people there if I'm a senior leader.
I'll even miss the kids. When you go from knowing 350 people's names, to knowing about 5 people, it's a culture shock that you don't always prepare for.
Now nobody knows my narrative; I have nothing of the reputation I'd built up, I don't know who I can and can't trust.
Sorry to be such a whining git! It's obviously a great opportunity, but I can't help feeling I've jumped out of my comfort zone at a time when I was just establishing some continuity for myself.
My girlfriend was on the phone to me in tears a couple of weeks ago. She's in a small village in Liberia working with the Peace Corps, learning how to teach maths to all ages (she's never taught before), surrounded by locals who speak another language, she has to wash in a bucket, use an outhouse full of bugs, share a bedroom with a family of mice, live on a diet of rice and bread and wash her clothes with a washboard. She's happy as Larry 2 weeks later.
Throw yourself into it lad, it'll be difficult to begin with but you'll be up and running in no time