Sorry to hear that brate. Alcohol is way too easy to access around our parts, sadly, even at a younger age.
I was in the same boat as you at roughly the same age (and we're the same age now). What helped me get through it was quitting cold turkey and going back to sport. Before my problems I used to train basketball for nearly 8 years, then after my problems I went to football. What helped me during was, well, any sport - I tried and played volleyball, tennis, went jogging daily, went to the gym (even just for cardio or something), anything and everything. Something else which helped a wee bit, which might sound a bit jarg, was meditating - whenever I felt like I needed a drink I just did that. It's really easy and quick to learn the basics and all you need to do is 5-15 minutes tops... Also drink water when you feel the need to drink alcohol, it helps, even if it's a bit. Plus the bonus side of all this is that you'd look and feel better!
I really wish I could help you to be honest, I know exactly how it is, but my advice is kind of bad, as we're not all in the exact same boat and can't all do things the same way. Sorry for that.
Keep us updated on your situation mate, we're here to listen if you ever need a(n electronic) ear, at least. I'm sure someone will come along with actual better advice too...