As all the others have said mate, it's horses for courses with anti depressants, what works for some may not work for others.
When they start working the changes in you are very subtle to begin with, you don't wake up one day and think " I feel great ".
The changes can be as simple as you find that you've not as worried about everything, you're anxiety is lessened, you sleep better, you can concentrate better, you're more patient etc.
In other words they make you feel more normal, which is what they are supposed to do.
@jaycee says they normally take two to three weeks to kick in and you need to take them religiously at the same time every day to get the maximum benefits or sometimes the wobbles come back.
There can be side effects, hot flushes, dizziness, dry mouth, loss of libido, but these tend to be in the very early stages, once you've stabilised on them, these should all go away.
Remember too, that if your not happy with the ones that they've prescribed, there's many others that you can change to.
It's all hit and miss with the anti depressants in the end mate.