big bobs beard
Player Valuation: £8m
I don't know if this will help you mate, but as @big bobs beard says strart looking into an IVA.
A lad who I know who is in the building trade got badly hit during the last recession and ended up with over 30k of debt. He's had an IVA running for a few years now and this has enabled him to keep hold of the house and live a relatively normal life since he took it out. The bottom line appears to be as long as you agree to pay what you can afford the debtors are happy.
Hope this helps mate X
We got into debt for a number of reasons which I won't go into - but basically I am a person of few wants and needs. Once I got the IVA ( six months to go) it allowed me to budget but also see a light at the end of the tunnel- trust me I had suicidal thoughts at the time. Learnt to live with the basics, realise I am so better off still than many, and NEVER let someone else put me in that position again. Luckily I have met a wonderful woman who has the same values, has supported me emotionally, and now and again financially always paid back - I am a proud man ) when MOTs etc have caused me problems. I lost the house I loved and worked so hard on, but at the end of the day so what? It won't get buried with me! Live in a smaller flat but spend days and holidays in the countryside appreciating the world we live in. I am happy - somehing I wasn't for nigh on twenty years looking back. Positivity, a smile on your face and NOT wishing your life away that things could be different will get you through.