Firstly, I would like to say I am sorry to DualityNSNO for his loss, and to all other blues on this page.
This is hard, but also, a clever way of expressing themselves.
I want to share with you my story.....
I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2013, and I got a job in some mess of an area in east lancashire. (I live in liverpool) I started looking there because my girlfriend at the time got a job in Darwen. With this in mind we moved to Darwen together, I got a job even further north. We moved on. I was happy with my job, I am a primary school teacher, however, after being a teacher in year 1, getting OUTSTANDING, and then moving to year 5 getting OUTSTANDING, I was moved to year 6 and was marked as GOOD WITH OUTSTANDING..... Everything, 4 years later after poor SATS results, when I was in year 6, I was indirectly blamed. Which caused me a lot of depression, my wife, blamed me for this ongoing abuse from school... She told me I wasnt working hard enough.... I took this on board and decided to work even harder and harder.... I thought about planning better lessons and working harder.... When I was reobserved, I was told I was inadequate... (You literally have to have your thumbs up your arse and do nothing). After this they decided my job was in jeopardy (in context, they had 3 years of bad year 6 data and they where in risk of their own jobs, so why not blame a rookie??) I gave my all, 6am start till 7pm monday till Friday....
Basically, I resigned my job, my wife hates me, I have no job, I am scared for my own mental health... I drink a lot, people are picking up on it and now..... I dont know what to do with my life. I dont think my wife cares for me, do I move back to liverpool, I own a house, I am so lost, I am miserable and I hate myself. I am good at my job and all I want to do is be a good teacher, make kids laugh and show them the way..... Help.