@Paul Bernard you need to amass as much evidence as you can as to why you feel you have been underpaid. Do you have details of other employees pay - have they had bonuses that you didn't get. Does your Company have a structured pay policy? Have a look at jpb adverts for similar jobs- what do they offer? You could try approaching it from an equal pay/equality angle as in:Well done mate.
From experience the first stages are the hardest, due to the seemingly inbuilt fears we all seem to have that mental illness is a weakness and something to be ashamed of / hidden.
Once you've broached this, everything should get much easier and this alone takes a massive weight off you mentally.
@anjelikaferret any advice / help re the pay issues ?
Employers must give men and women equal treatment in the terms and conditions of their employment contract if they are employed to do:
- 'like work' - work that is the same or broadly similar
- work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation study
- work found to be of equal value in terms of effort, skill or decision making.
Do you have performance linked pay? Do you consistently meet targets and don't get rewarded for them.
Hope this helps