Thanks mate, sorry to hear you had a tough time. He has struggled with High School and I don't think it helps that he's the youngest (birthday is 31st August). However, he's not being badly behaved at school, hes fine. He's also done really well academically with great scores in his last report. When I say my misbehave, he's probably an angel compared to some kids out there but compared to what we are used to he is misbehaving. I think a lot if the issues are around forming relationships and maybe being a little too desperate for friends. He's already had three 'girlfriends' - again I think part of wanting to be liked. Over the last few weeks he's made friends with a lad and has this girlfriend (who school tell me is a very nice and sensible girl) so we were hoping he'd be a little happier. I suppose a good example of how he is at the moment would be last weekend. He, his mate and their girlfriends went to one of these trampoline places. He came back and was in a low mood all evening. We assumed something had gone wrong but when my wife spoke with him at bedtime he said everything was great, had a good time and couldn't understand himself why he now felt so low.
Meh, it a sounds relatively normal when you say it like that mate. Good on him for getting himself a girlfriend and socialising with others outside of school, I barely did any of that stuff. Perhaps he came back from his little trip a bit low because he was hoping for a kiss off his girl and didn't get one haha?
I hope it all works itself out mate and I'm sure it will, you and your missus sound like very loving and sensible people and your kids will only benefit greatly from that.