What's your job mate ?
Maybe look for a career change ?.
Have done mate, I've applied for some new ones.
My current job is manual labor, I won't say where exactly though. I can do most aspects of the job no problem, I don't struggle at all like I did in the one before this. The problem here is just the people, they're not my cup of tea at all and I'm clearly not theirs. It's not an urgent problem and for a lot of people it wouldn't be a problem at all. I've come to realise though that I just don't like any aspect of the job really and if that's the case why stick with it and become a drone? You get spoken too like dirt a lot of the time by customers and now I know I'm not liked by my colleagues? Why keep putting up with it when I can just look for something else?
As I've said before, I'm lucky in the sense that I don't have any urgent needs for money, I live modestly and don't have any vices or kids to pay for. I could leave tomorrow and be fine for a good while. I don't want to do that though, I don't want to feel like I'm throwing in the towel. I just don't want to become a person who grows to accept their misery in a job they hate but need.
I'm going to apply other places and hopefully be out in the next few months, then I can leave and never look back. It will be two jobs I had and left inside a year but both for completely different reasons. One because it was causing me serious mental distress, the other because the work and environment simply wasn't something to stick with long-term.